* Detailed Description:
* This example demonstrates how to use lauterbach multicore project.
* All MPC5748G cores (z4a, z4b, z2) are active. Micro boots with core z4a.
* On z4a is micro configuration executed and then in Core_Init(); function
* are started other 2 cores (z4b and z2).
* Example also include Lauterbach multicore (multi powerview) example script
* + T32 configuration file
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Test HW: MPC57xx MB +
* Maskset: 1N81M
* Target : SRAM
* Fsys: 160 MHz PLL
Revision History:
1.0 Oct-29-2014 b21190(Vlna Peter) Initial Version
1.1 Nov-20-2014 b21190(Vlna Peter) Modified for Cut2.0
1.2 Nov-20-2014 b21190(Vlna Peter) Added SWT_0 dissabling in startup
1.3 Feb-12-2016 b21190(Vlna Peter) Modified for multicore project