Unable to test the effect of DPAA

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Unable to test the effect of DPAA

Contributor III

Unable to test the effect of DPAA

Environment: LS1043A VNP with LSDK(no USDPAA).

some reference questions ars as follows:

(1) FMC Tool can execute the following command but It did not
report any error message when repeat configured.

root@ls1043ardb:~# fmc -c /etc/fmc/config/private/ls1043ardb/RR_FQPP_1455/config.xml -p /etc/fmc/
config/private/ls1043ardb/RR_FQPP_1455/policy_ipv4.xml -a
root@ls1043ardb:~# fmc -c /etc/fmc/config/private/ls1043ardb/RR_FQPP_1455/config.xml -p /etc/fmc/
config/private/ls1043ardb/RR_FQPP_1455/policy_ipv4.xml -a

(2) About iperf testing: the result almost unchanged whether or not FMC is configured,
The result as the Attached documentation:iperf_log.txt,The commands are as follows:
   Client: LS1043A VNP Board,
       cmd: iperf3 -c -u -b1000M -t 10
   Server: PC,
       cmd: iperf3 -s

(3) The System rootfs does not has such devices that fm0-gb1,fm0-gb2 ... as mentionen
in the LSDKUG_Rev20.04.pdf, There ary only eth5 eth6 ... here.

Best Wishes.


Have a good day.
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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Dedicated channels, which are always serviced by a single entity. QMAN software portals allow QMAN to be used by logically separated units of software. Each software portal has its own dedicated channel(of 8 work queues), that only it may dequeue from.

Pool channels, which are serviced by pool of like entities, such as a pool of processor cores. There are 15 “pool channels” from which any software portal can dequeue, this is typically used for load-balancing or load spreading.

In Linux Kernel, PCD Frame queues(parsed by fmc)  in Linux Kernel use dedicated channels. The default(not parsed by fmc) and error FQs are assigned to the pool channel.

Similar performance date should be got comparing using dedicated channel  with using pool channel.

For details, please refer to https://community.nxp.com/t5/P-Series-Knowledge-Base/Using-QMAN-Dedicated-and-Pool-Channels-in-USDPA....

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