lpcXpresso build slow

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lpcXpresso build slow

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by henryengenharia on Tue Sep 15 04:38:07 MST 2015

                  I´m using the lpcXpresso 7.5.0 and it is building very slow my project. Normally it is taken 5 minutes to compile the entire project, but now it´s taken around 20 minutes. I tried use lpcXpresso 7.9.0 and I had the same situation, I checked another application and works well.

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1 Reply

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by lpcxpresso-support on Tue Sep 15 09:30:56 MST 2015
You haven't given us much information to go on here! For example:

How big is your project (both the main project and any associated library projects that it uses)?

How exactly are you triggering your build?

What host operating system are you using?

How much memory does your host PC have?

Have you tried tweaking the amount of memory available to Eclipse?

Where are your source files located? They should be locally on your PC

Check your source files for any use of Windows backslash characters:
#include "..\file.h" /* notice use of Windows backslash */

and make sure you change them to use proper C style directory separators:

#include "../file.h" /* use standard directory slash */

You might also want to check for circular header files includes, and also perhaps check the order of any include paths that you have added to your project (so that the most important/used ones come first).

Hopefully one or more of the above might help. But if not, please provide any additional information as to your system and setup that you can.

LPCXpresso Support
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