How to choose the right parser on a Mac? / Binary Parser / LPC1115

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How to choose the right parser on a Mac? / Binary Parser / LPC1115

Contributor II

Hi everybody,

my intention is to program in C simple projects to learn how to program the NXP LPC1115 using C; then build, download, and debug the result using LPC-Link.

As a beginner I experience lots of Xpresso crashes or error messages. After reading in the help documentation I found in a makefile section

In the Binary Parser list, select the error parser that is appropriate for your platform. Other project settings can be modified here as well. The default selection is probably OK.

What is OK? - I switched my Mac computer and the OS to version to 10.13 (High Sierra). Since then I experience lots of problems. Reading through the communities I read about choosing this or that parser etc. Now, I think it is may be vital for the smoothness of the build, download and debug process to find the right ticks in the small boxes. ;-)

Can somebody give me details on what to choose? I attached 2 windows, showing you the variety of the parsers.

Hints and questions are very much appreciated!

Ciao Andreas

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4 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

You don't need to choose parsers - the IDE is supplied with all such configuration already set up.

And LPC Cortex-M based parts that were supported in LPCXpresso IDE have that same support built into MCUXpresso IDE. You only need to install SDKs for new LPC54xxx parts and for Kinetis parts. Please read the supplied MCUXpresso IDE User Guide for more details (in particular chapter 4, "SDKs and Preinstalled Part Support Overview", and chapter 8, "Creating New Projects using Preinstalled Part Support"). 

For the LPC1115, you can use the supplied LPCOpen package for example code / drivers (lpcopen_v2_00a_lpcxpresso_nxp_lpcxpresso_11c24 is the one for LPC1115).

For further assistance on MCUXpresso IDE, please post to the MCUXpresso IDE forum : 


MCUXpresso IDE Support

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Contributor II

Hi support,

thanks for your quick reply and further informartion. I was confused, because my old µC etc. was not mentioned any more ... MCUXpresso just seems to be a "marketing boost" to generate a buzz in the press... not just an update. ;-)

Have a good day.


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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

I'm not sure exactly what you changing parsers is meant to achieve. But the last version of LPCXpresso IDE (v8.2.2) was released a year or so before Mac OS 10.13 (High Sierra), so has never been tested on that OS.

MCUXpresso IDE, which replaced LPCXpresso IDE back in 1Q2017, is currently based on the Eclipse "Neon" framework - which is now know to have issues on Mac OS 10.13. We believe that such issues to be fixed in our next MCUXpresso IDE release (which will use Eclipse "Oxygen" framework). In the meantime, a user has produced a patch of one of part of the underlying framework which seems to resolve the issues running MCUXpresso IDE on Mac OS 10.13: 


MCUXpresso IDE Support

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Contributor II

LPCX support schrieb:

I'm not sure exactly what you changing parsers is meant to achieve. But the last version of LPCXpresso IDE (v8.2.2) was released a year or so before Mac OS 10.13 (High Sierra), so has never been tested on that OS.

Hi support,

the question intended more what does the parsers do and what parser do I have to choose. I still try to find out, what could have gone wrong ... Your mentioned aspect seems to be the only reason for typical crashes. Anyway, thanks for the hint!

MCUXpresso IDE, which replaced LPCXpresso IDE back in 1Q2017, is currently based on the Eclipse "Neon" framework - which is now know to have issues on Mac OS 10.13. We believe that such issues to be fixed in our next MCUXpresso IDE release (which will use Eclipse "Oxygen" framework). In the meantime, a user has produced a patch of one of part of the underlying framework which seems to resolve the issues running MCUXpresso IDE on Mac OS 10.13: 

 The user said the file just has to be droped into the plug-ins Folder. That's it? No manual updating of the preferences??

I'd like to use the LPC1115. I could not find any Information that this µC and the SDK for the board is supported by MCUXpresso! The list does not show this µC the old SDK for the controller/boad.

Thanks for reply!


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