Porting emWin 5.22  with Customised LPC1788 board

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Porting emWin 5.22  with Customised LPC1788 board

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by studyembedded on Thu Sep 12 22:55:06 MST 2013
Hi Friends,
After a week long struggle with emWin5.22(earlier thread discussion: ), I thought of starting this new thread. I am trying to create a template with emWin and Keil. I thought of starting from scratch, this will help me to create my project template and for others should be a tutorial sort of thing.

First I have created a project using keil, selected LPC1788 as controller and even added the startup files.

Compiled adding main.c and successfully compiled. Now I need to add the emWin to this existing project, by the way I am using my own designed board with 3.5TFT. My board is already tested all the peripherals working fine.

As suggested by Wouter (check the link: http://www.lpcware.com/content/forum/emwin-522) I have downloaded latest emWin5.22 from here.  After downloading and extracting files I have three folders emWin522_Config, emWin522_header, emWin522_library, so added these folder as it is in my project directory and included the path.

I have changed LCDConf.c to suite my requirement and added the required files in Inc folder; this is the only change I made in emWin folder files.

Please check my file project tree which is attached as an image with thread. I assume that up to now everything is going well, but when I compiled getting following errors. I am little confuse about .lib files, though I have included it in my project.
This could be a silly error which I am not finding, please guide me!! Thanks.
The errors what I am facing are as follows:

emwin_latest.axf: Error: L6406E: No space in execution regions with .ANY selector matching guiconf.o(.bss).
emwin_latest.axf: Error: L6407E: Sections of aggregate size 0x200000 bytes could not fit into .ANY selector(s).
Target not created

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6 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by studyembedded on Fri Sep 13 20:58:15 MST 2013
Hi Mc, thanks for your suggestion...i did manage to create project out of EA board BSP. I am just playing with it, for different possible animation...once i finish, would love to share here...thanks.
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by mc on Fri Sep 13 07:03:52 MST 2013
Hi studyembeded,
I recommend you to use BSP instead of starting new project. You need to place your frame buffer in the external memory. It has been done in LPC1788 BSP. Check GUIConf.c file.


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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by studyembedded on Fri Sep 13 03:16:07 MST 2013
Yes you are right, Wouter already advised me about this, but he was talking about the example file provided by Segger. That file contains almost four different movie clips and range of fonts ....so that was quite large size. What i did is that i divided that file in two sections, first one only text animation that extracted all fonts from the said file and second for movies.

With the text animation section i have created a different project and manage to play all the animation with it. And with second part i have created this separate project where i am using a smallest possible movie clip, which can easily fit in the target board.

I just now realized that, i am adding a .lib file to my project, and that is quite huge...please check the image attached. If you can guide me how to use this .lib without adding to target build....i think it should solve my problem.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by capiman on Fri Sep 13 03:02:27 MST 2013
as i see you made progress and solved your errors not finding certain functions.
Would it be possible to add in old thread how you solved the problem?

Quote: studyembedded

emwin_latest.axf: Error: L6406E: No space in execution regions with .ANY selector matching guiconf.o(.bss).
emwin_latest.axf: Error: L6407E: Sections of aggregate size 0x200000 bytes could not fit into .ANY selector(s).
Target not created

Have you read the error message?
Have you seen Wouter's answer in old thread? He has written the answer there for your problem here:
"(except for not enough space error, which is logical due to the large movie file)"
I would say your controller is too small to hold your movie in internal flash?
Try if you reduce the size of the video, e.g. to only a few bytes and look if the error then disappears?
(Of course the video then cannot played anymore...)
Look into generated map file to see how much space is already occupied and how much space is free.
Best regards,
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by studyembedded on Fri Sep 13 02:39:42 MST 2013
Thanks for your reply, i did the same thing ....i have already manage to run emWin on my personal board, but that was old version where you dont have support to play the movies. This one i am trying for emWin5.22,
I have tried for a week to run the movies using my existing project and changing the GUI folder files, config files etc...it didn't  worked so that i thought of creating a project from scratch.
I am sure there are experts who would help me out and that would be a tutorial for others as well!
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by modestt on Fri Sep 13 02:27:05 MST 2013
I am using emwin but with Xpresso setup. I used a BSP for evaluation board from EA, customised it to my requirement and it worked. I did not create a new project instead used a sample one. I vaguely remember I saw some Keil sample projects there as well.
would it be possible for you to find a sample project which is originally written for Keil and take it from ther ?
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