I want to integrate a little file system like littleFS or FatFs to handle files using LPCXpresso55S16. I'm interested in knowing which file system would be the most suitable for integration with the board, considering factors like a clear API and high performance.
If your SDK includes Fatfs and USB driver, you will see demo code here during importing SDK examples
Hope this helps,
Jun Zhang
Thank you ZhangJennie
Hi ahmed007
MCUXpresso SDK supports Fatfs. Before download SDK, select Fatfs. the related demo cdoe will be included in the SDK package.
Hope this helps,
Jun Zhang
Thank you Jun Zhang for your reply. I actually did this.
My question is what will be the best file system to integrate with the LPCXpresso55S16 ? And if it's FatFs Where I can find the demo because even though I downloaded the FatFs as a middleware with the SDK, I didn't find any demo when doing import SDK example.