LPCXpresso54S018-EVK - Flash operation gave error.

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LPCXpresso54S018-EVK - Flash operation gave error.

Contributor I


I accidentally initialized the SPIFI_CNS pin as ADC0_11 input on LPC54S018-EVK board, and now I can no longer write to Flash.

The output that is shown in the console (MCUXpresso IDE) is the following:

Opening flash driver LPC540xx_SPIFI_SFDP.cfx (already resident)

Using SOFT reset to run the flash driver

Flash variant 'JEDEC_SFDP_EF7018' detected (16MB = 256*64K at 0x10000000)

Writing 45472 bytes to address 0x10000000 in Flash

ProgramPage (0x10000000, 0x2290, 0x4000) status 0x1 - driver reported driver error - EXTSPI driver rc 8 - Program operation on block that is not blank

Sectors written: 1, unchanged: 0, total: 1

Closing flash driver LPC540xx_SPIFI_SFDP.cfx

Target error from Commit Flash write: Ef(49): Flash driver operation gave error.

GDB stub (C:\nxp\MCUXpressoIDE_11.8.0_1165\ide\plugins\com.nxp.mcuxpresso.tools.bin.win32_11.8.0.202307121429\binaries\crt_emu_cm_redlink) terminating - GDB protocol problem: Pipe has been closed by GDB.

I have tried various solutions found on the forum (the error is common), but none of them work.

I also tried using Segger J-Flash V7.92J and i can read the SPIFI Flash, but I can't write to it, or erase it.

How can I solve it?

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3 Replies

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello, I apologize I did not notice this comment SPIFI_CNS pin as ADC0_11 input, this does not cause any issue because the CS is an output even when is configured as input it will never receive voltage.

Could you try to connect in ISP mode to the PC and send a command get-property through blhost. If this does not work and if you have available another flash, try to swap the memory to know if the error is on the memory or the SPIFI.

Let me know about the behavior.

Best regards,

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello, my name is Pavel, and I will be supporting your case, I recommend using a simple example to determine if the board still working like a blinky LED, if the example does not work or appears with the same error could you try to erase the flash in ISP mode.

Best regards,


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Contributor I

Thanks for the reply,

I already tried to program the LED_BLINK example, but I get the same error. I also tried a mass erase, using both MCUXpresso IDE tool (GUI Flash Tool) and Segger J-Link Commander. I also did all the tests using ISP boot (ISP0 pushed). I don't know what else to try



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