LPCXpresso54628_Two boards_CAN_Communication_MCUXpresso

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LPCXpresso54628_Two boards_CAN_Communication_MCUXpresso

Contributor I


I am working with two #LPCXpresso54628 boards and trying to implement a CAN communication between them. 

I implemented the following SDK example which used CAN0 with the aim of visualizing a message transmission, but the boards do not receive anything.

This is the code:

* Copyright (c) 2016, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
* Copyright 2016-2021 NXP
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

#include "fsl_debug_console.h"
#include "fsl_mcan.h"
#include "pin_mux.h"
#include "board.h"
#include "stdlib.h"

#include <stdbool.h>
* Definitions
#define USE_CANFD (1U)
* 8 8 kMCAN_8ByteDatafield
* 12 9 kMCAN_12ByteDatafield
* 16 10 kMCAN_16ByteDatafield
* 20 11 kMCAN_20ByteDatafield
* 24 12 kMCAN_24ByteDatafield
* 32 13 kMCAN_32ByteDatafield
* 48 14 kMCAN_48ByteDatafield
* 64 15 kMCAN_64ByteDatafield
* CAN data size (pay load size), DLC and Bytes in Message buffer must align.
#define DLC (15)
#define BYTES_IN_MB kMCAN_64ByteDatafield
/* If not define USE_CANFD or define it 0, CAN_DATASIZE should be 8. */
#define CAN_DATASIZE (64U)
/* If user need to auto execute the improved timming configuration. */
#define EXAMPLE_MCAN_IRQHandler CAN0_IRQ0_IRQHandler
#define MCAN_CLK_FREQ CLOCK_GetMCanClkFreq(0U)
#define STDID_OFFSET (18U)
#define STD_FILTER_OFS 0x0
#define RX_FIFO0_OFS 0x10U
#define TX_BUFFER_OFS 0x20U

* Prototypes

* Variables
volatile bool txComplete = false;
volatile bool rxComplete = false;
mcan_tx_buffer_frame_t txFrame;
mcan_rx_buffer_frame_t rxFrame;
uint8_t tx_data[CAN_DATASIZE];
uint8_t rx_data[CAN_DATASIZE];
mcan_handle_t mcanHandle;
mcan_buffer_transfer_t txXfer;
mcan_fifo_transfer_t rxXfer;
uint32_t txIdentifier;
uint32_t rxIdentifier;
#ifndef MSG_RAM_BASE
/* The MCAN IP stipulates that the Message RAM start address must align with 0x10000, but in some devices, the single
* available RAM block size is less than this value, so we must try to place the Message RAM variables at the start of
* the RAM block to avoid memory overflow during link application. By default, the data section is before of the bss
* section, so adds the initial value for Message RAM variables to confirm it be placed in the data section, and it must
* be initialized with 0 before used. */
#if defined(__CC_ARM) || defined(__ARMCC_VERSION)
/* The KEIL --sort=algorithm only impacts code sections, and the data sections is sorted by name, so by specifying the
* memory as .data to ensure that it is put in the first place of RAM. */
__attribute__((aligned(1U << CAN_MRBA_BA_SHIFT), section(".data"))) uint8_t msgRam[MSG_RAM_SIZE] = {1U};
SDK_ALIGN(uint8_t msgRam[MSG_RAM_SIZE], 1U << CAN_MRBA_BA_SHIFT) = {1U};
#define msgRam MSG_RAM_BASE

* Code
* @brief MCAN Call Back function
static void mcan_callback(CAN_Type *base, mcan_handle_t *handle, status_t status, uint32_t result, void *userData)
switch (status)
case kStatus_MCAN_RxFifo0Idle:
rxComplete = true;

case kStatus_MCAN_TxIdle:
txComplete = true;


* @brief Main function
int main(void)
mcan_config_t mcanConfig;
mcan_frame_filter_config_t rxFilter;
mcan_std_filter_element_config_t stdFilter;
mcan_rx_fifo_config_t rxFifo0;
mcan_tx_buffer_config_t txBuffer;
uint8_t node_type;
uint8_t numMessage = 0;
uint8_t cnt = 0;

/* Initialize board hardware. */
/* attach 12 MHz clock to FLEXCOMM0 (debug console) */

/* Set MCAN clock 220Mhz/11=20MHz. */
CLOCK_SetClkDiv(kCLOCK_DivCan0Clk, 11U, true);


PRINTF("Please select local node as A or B:\r\n");
PRINTF("Note: Node B should start first.\r\n");
node_type = GETCHAR();
PRINTF("%c", node_type);
} while ((node_type != 'A') && (node_type != 'B') && (node_type != 'a') && (node_type != 'b'));

/* Select mailbox ID. */
if ((node_type == 'A') || (node_type == 'a'))
txIdentifier = 0x321U;
rxIdentifier = 0x123U;
txIdentifier = 0x123U;
rxIdentifier = 0x321U;

/* Get MCAN module default Configuration. */
* mcanConfig.baudRate = 500000U;
* mcanConfig.baudRateFD = 2000000U;
* mcanConfig.enableCanfdNormal = false;
* mcanConfig.enableCanfdSwitch = false;
* mcanConfig.enableLoopBackInt = false;
* mcanConfig.enableLoopBackExt = false;
* mcanConfig.enableBusMon = false;
#if (defined(USE_CANFD) && USE_CANFD)
/* Enable Bit Rate Switch to make baudRateD make sense.*/
mcanConfig.enableCanfdSwitch = true;

mcan_timing_config_t timing_config;
memset(&timing_config, 0, sizeof(timing_config));
#if (defined(USE_CANFD) && USE_CANFD)
if (MCAN_FDCalculateImprovedTimingValues(mcanConfig.baudRateA, mcanConfig.baudRateD, MCAN_CLK_FREQ, &timing_config))
/* Update the improved timing configuration*/
memcpy(&(mcanConfig.timingConfig), &timing_config, sizeof(mcan_timing_config_t));
PRINTF("No found Improved Timing Configuration. Just used default configuration\r\n\r\n");
if (MCAN_CalculateImprovedTimingValues(mcanConfig.baudRateA, MCAN_CLK_FREQ, &timing_config))
/* Update the improved timing configuration*/
memcpy(&(mcanConfig.timingConfig), &timing_config, sizeof(mcan_timing_config_t));
PRINTF("No found Improved Timing Configuration. Just used default configuration\r\n\r\n");


/* Create MCAN handle structure and set call back function. */
MCAN_TransferCreateHandle(EXAMPLE_MCAN, &mcanHandle, mcan_callback, NULL);

/* Set Message RAM base address and clear to avoid BEU/BEC error. */
MCAN_SetMsgRAMBase(EXAMPLE_MCAN, (uint32_t)msgRam);
memset((void *)msgRam, 0, MSG_RAM_SIZE * sizeof(uint8_t));

/* STD filter config. */
rxFilter.address = STD_FILTER_OFS;
rxFilter.idFormat = kMCAN_FrameIDStandard;
rxFilter.listSize = 1U;
rxFilter.nmFrame = kMCAN_reject0;
rxFilter.remFrame = kMCAN_rejectFrame;
MCAN_SetFilterConfig(EXAMPLE_MCAN, &rxFilter);

stdFilter.sfec = kMCAN_storeinFifo0;
/* Classic filter mode, only filter matching ID. */
stdFilter.sft = kMCAN_classic;
stdFilter.sfid1 = rxIdentifier;
stdFilter.sfid2 = 0x7FFU;
MCAN_SetSTDFilterElement(EXAMPLE_MCAN, &rxFilter, &stdFilter, 0);

/* RX fifo0 config. */
rxFifo0.address = RX_FIFO0_OFS;
rxFifo0.elementSize = 1U;
rxFifo0.watermark = 0;
rxFifo0.opmode = kMCAN_FifoBlocking;
rxFifo0.datafieldSize = kMCAN_8ByteDatafield;
#if (defined(USE_CANFD) && USE_CANFD)
rxFifo0.datafieldSize = BYTES_IN_MB;
MCAN_SetRxFifo0Config(EXAMPLE_MCAN, &rxFifo0);

/* TX buffer config. */
memset(&txBuffer, 0, sizeof(txBuffer));
txBuffer.address = TX_BUFFER_OFS;
txBuffer.dedicatedSize = 1U;
txBuffer.fqSize = 0;
txBuffer.datafieldSize = kMCAN_8ByteDatafield;
#if (defined(USE_CANFD) && USE_CANFD)
txBuffer.datafieldSize = BYTES_IN_MB;
MCAN_SetTxBufferConfig(EXAMPLE_MCAN, &txBuffer);

/* Finish software initialization and enter normal mode, synchronizes to
CAN bus, ready for communication */

if ((node_type == 'A') || (node_type == 'a'))
PRINTF("Press any key to trigger one-shot transmission\r\n\r\n");
PRINTF("Start to Wait data from Node A\r\n\r\n");

while (1)
if ((node_type == 'A') || (node_type == 'a'))
/* Config TX frame data. */
memset(tx_data, 0, sizeof(uint8_t) * CAN_DATASIZE);
for (cnt = 0; cnt < CAN_DATASIZE; cnt++)
tx_data[cnt] = cnt;
tx_data[0] = numMessage++;
txFrame.xtd = kMCAN_FrameIDStandard;
txFrame.rtr = kMCAN_FrameTypeData;
txFrame.fdf = 0;
txFrame.brs = 0;
txFrame.dlc = 8U;
txFrame.id = txIdentifier << STDID_OFFSET;
txFrame.data = tx_data;
txFrame.size = CAN_DATASIZE;
#if (defined(USE_CANFD) && USE_CANFD)
txFrame.fdf = 1;
txFrame.brs = 1;
txFrame.dlc = DLC;
txXfer.frame = &txFrame;
txXfer.bufferIdx = 0;
MCAN_TransferSendNonBlocking(EXAMPLE_MCAN, &mcanHandle, &txXfer);

while (!txComplete)
txComplete = false;

/* Start receive data through Rx FIFO 0. */
memset(rx_data, 0, sizeof(uint8_t) * CAN_DATASIZE);
/* the MCAN engine can't auto to get rx payload size, we need set it. */
rxFrame.size = CAN_DATASIZE;
rxXfer.frame = &rxFrame;
MCAN_TransferReceiveFifoNonBlocking(EXAMPLE_MCAN, 0, &mcanHandle, &rxXfer);

/* Wait until message received. */
while (!rxComplete)
rxComplete = false;

/* After call the API of rMCAN_TransferReceiveFifoNonBlocking success, we can
* only get a point (rxFrame.data) to the fifo reading entrance.
* Copy the received frame data from the FIFO by the pointer(rxFrame.data). */
memcpy(rx_data, rxFrame.data, rxFrame.size);

PRINTF("Received Frame ID: 0x%x\r\n", rxFrame.id >> STDID_OFFSET);
PRINTF("Received Frame DATA: ");
cnt = 0;
while (cnt < rxFrame.size)
PRINTF("0x%x ", rx_data[cnt++]);
PRINTF("Press any key to trigger the next transmission!\r\n\r\n");
memset(rx_data, 0, sizeof(uint8_t) * CAN_DATASIZE);
/* the MCAN engine can't auto to get rx payload size, we need set it. */
rxFrame.size = CAN_DATASIZE;
rxXfer.frame = &rxFrame;
MCAN_TransferReceiveFifoNonBlocking(EXAMPLE_MCAN, 0, &mcanHandle, &rxXfer);

while (!rxComplete)
rxComplete = false;

/* After call the API of rMCAN_TransferReceiveFifoNonBlocking success, we can
* only get a point (rxFrame.data) to the fifo reading entrance.
* Copy the received frame data from the FIFO by the pointer(rxFrame.data). */
memcpy(rx_data, rxFrame.data, rxFrame.size);

PRINTF("Received Frame ID: 0x%x\r\n", rxFrame.id >> STDID_OFFSET);
PRINTF("Received Frame DATA: ");

cnt = 0;
while (cnt < rxFrame.size)
PRINTF("0x%x ", rx_data[cnt++]);

/* Copy received frame data to tx frame. */
memcpy(tx_data, rx_data, CAN_DATASIZE);

txFrame.xtd = rxFrame.xtd;
txFrame.rtr = rxFrame.rtr;
txFrame.fdf = rxFrame.fdf;
txFrame.brs = rxFrame.brs;
txFrame.dlc = rxFrame.dlc;
txFrame.id = txIdentifier << STDID_OFFSET;
txFrame.data = tx_data;
txFrame.size = rxFrame.size;
txXfer.frame = &txFrame;
txXfer.bufferIdx = 0;

MCAN_TransferSendNonBlocking(EXAMPLE_MCAN, &mcanHandle, &txXfer);

while (!txComplete)
txComplete = false;
PRINTF("Wait Node A to trigger the next transmission!\r\n\r\n");

This example links the boards between Node A (Transmitter) and Node B (Receiver) whose functionality is to send a value from the keyboard and then show it on the console, but it does not work.

I attach an image of the console messages.

Board 1:


Board 2: 



 I will thanks if someone could support me.



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