LPC55S69 - nxpdebugmbox crashes on Ubuntu 20.04

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LPC55S69 - nxpdebugmbox crashes on Ubuntu 20.04

Contributor I


An attempt to connect to with nxpdebugmbox ends with segmentation fault.

My system:
- Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- MCUXpresson IDE v 11.40 (mcuxpressoide-11.4.0_6224.x86_64.deb)
- spsdk, version 1.4.0.post2
- LPCXpresso EVK rev 2a

Following execution of nxpdebugmbox, my LPCXpresso EVK board is successfully identified and I am able to select it from the textual menu.

However, following that the execution ends with segmentation fault (core dump).

On Ubuntu 16.04/18.04, nxpdebugmbox does not even reach to that point and ends with python errors.

Here is my exection log from Ubuntu:

$ nxpdebugmbox -i pyocd start
DEBUG:pyocd.probe.pydapaccess.interface.pyusb_backend:[Errno 13] Access denied (insufficient permissions) while trying to interrogate a USB device (VID=0e0f PID=0003). This can probably be remedied with a udev rule. See <https://github.com/mbedmicro/pyOCD/tree/master/udev> for help.
DEBUG:pyocd.probe.pydapaccess.interface.pyusb_v2_backend:[Errno 13] Access denied (insufficient permissions) while trying to interrogate a USB device (VID=0e0f PID=0003). This can probably be remedied with a udev rule. See <https://github.com/mbedmicro/pyOCD/tree/master/udev> for help.
DEBUG:pypemicro.pemicro:Opened PEMicro library: /home/student/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pypemicro/libs/Linux/unitacmp-64.so
# Interface Id Description
1 PyOCD 1042460949 Segger 3rd party CMSIS-DAP
2 PyOCD 1042460949 Segger 3rd party CMSIS-DAP
3 PyOCD 1042460949 Segger 3rd party CMSIS-DAP
Please choose the debug probe: 0
DEBUG:spsdk.debuggers.debug_probe_pyocd:The SPSDK PyOCD Interface has been initialized
DEBUG:pyocd.probe.pydapaccess.interface.pyusb_backend:[Errno 13] Access denied (insufficient permissions) while trying to interrogate a USB device (VID=0e0f PID=0003). This can probably be remedied with a udev rule. See <https://github.com/mbedmicro/pyOCD/tree/master/udev> for help.
DEBUG:pyocd.core.session:Project directory: /home/student
DEBUG:pyocd.probe.pydapaccess.interface.pyusb_backend:Detaching Kernel Driver of Interface 0 from USB device (VID=1fc9 PID=0090).
DEBUG:pyocd.probe.pydapaccess.dap_access_cmsis_dap:CMSIS-DAP probe GRASBQAR firmware version: 1.10
DEBUG:pyocd.utility.sequencer:Running task pre_connect
DEBUG:pyocd.utility.sequencer:Running task dp_init
DEBUG:pyocd.utility.sequencer:Running task get_probe_capabilities
DEBUG:pyocd.utility.sequencer:Running task connect
DEBUG:pyocd.coresight.dap:Default wire protocol selected; using SWD
DEBUG:pyocd.probe.swj:Sending deprecated SWJ sequence to select SWD
INFO:pyocd.coresight.dap:DP IDR = 0x6ba02477 (v2 rev6)
DEBUG:pyocd.utility.sequencer:Running task clear_sticky_err
DEBUG:pyocd.utility.sequencer:Running task power_up_debug
DEBUG:pyocd.utility.sequencer:Running task check_version
DEBUG:pyocd.utility.sequencer:Running task create_discoverer
DEBUG:pyocd.utility.sequencer:Running task discovery
DEBUG:pyocd.utility.sequencer:Running task find_aps
DEBUG:pyocd.utility.sequencer:Running task create_aps
DEBUG:pyocd.utility.sequencer:Running task create_ap.0
INFO:pyocd.coresight.ap:AHB-AP#0 IDR = 0x84770001 (AHB-AP var0 rev8)
DEBUG:pyocd.coresight.ap:AHB-AP#0 default HPROT=3 HNONSEC=1
DEBUG:pyocd.coresight.ap:AHB-AP#0 implemented HPROT=f HNONSEC=1
DEBUG:pyocd.utility.sequencer:Running task create_ap.1
INFO:pyocd.coresight.ap:AHB-AP#1 IDR = 0x84770001 (AHB-AP var0 rev8)
DEBUG:pyocd.coresight.ap:AHB-AP#1 default HPROT=3 HNONSEC=1
DEBUG:pyocd.coresight.ap:AHB-AP#1 implemented HPROT=f HNONSEC=1
DEBUG:pyocd.utility.sequencer:Running task create_ap.2
INFO:pyocd.coresight.ap:AP#2 IDR = 0x002a0000 (AP var0 rev0)
DEBUG:pyocd.utility.sequencer:Running task find_components
DEBUG:pyocd.utility.sequencer:Running task create_cores
DEBUG:pyocd.utility.sequencer:Running task halt_on_connect
DEBUG:pyocd.utility.sequencer:Running task post_connect
DEBUG:pyocd.utility.sequencer:Running task post_connect_hook
DEBUG:pyocd.utility.sequencer:Running task notify
INFO:spsdk.debuggers.debug_probe_pyocd:PyOCD connected via LPC-LINK2 CMSIS-DAP V5.182 probe.
DEBUG:spsdk.debuggers.debug_probe_pyocd:Found debug mailbox AP#2
DEBUG:spsdk.debuggers.debug_probe_pyocd:Found Memory interface access port AHB-AP#0
DEBUG:spsdk.dat.debug_mailbox:Reset mode: True
DEBUG:spsdk.dat.debug_mailbox:<- spin_write: 0x0000_0001
DEBUG:spsdk.dat.debug_mailbox:-> spin_read: 0x0000_0000
INFO:DebugMBox:Start Debug Mailbox successful
DEBUG:pyocd.core.session:uninit session <pyocd.core.session.Session object at 0x7fd75fc986a0>
libusb: error [_open_sysfs_attr] open /sys/bus/usb/devices/��/bConfigurationValue failed ret=-1 errno=2
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Has anyone encountered this issue?

Many thanks,


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Elija,

How about this issue now? 

How about change to another usb and USB line.

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