We are looking for a secondstage bootloader to boot from an external flash over SPI. The main idea is that we could implement a FUOTA framework and boot after receiving a image over some wireless connection. I have read that to boot we have to toggle the ISP Pin.. is there a way to start the boot process with setting a flag in the software?
We are aware that there is the MCU Bootloader. Is there an example for an LPC Microcontroller? We would like to implement it on the LPC55S16 or LPC55S69.
Could you provide some sourcecode example? In the SDK of the LPC there is no example for a secondstage bootloader.
Best regards
Corsin Obrist
I'm porting a controller from Kinetis to LPC and here is the first draft of our SBL. Rest is just drivers from example projects.
Our Kinetis version output update status to an LCD during update, handled button-driven revert feature, and initialized EEPROM, all in 8K. I hope I can add some of those features back later and stay in 32K. (Whining about bloat here, NXP.)
Hello @nxf77486,
In the SDK of the LPC54018, I could find out the code of mcu-boot middleware. But there are no examples with the main function in the SDK.
The application note AN12384 for the LPC5460x UART Secondary Bootloader using Ymodem is clear. However there are no download link for the code in the application note.
Could you please give more informations? My final objectif is to make an UART Secondary Bootloader for my MCU LPC55S28.
Thanks a lot in advance,
Best regards.
Hello @nxp-obrist ,
I will recommend the SDK of the LPC54018 it contain MCU Boot examples that you can use as a reference.
Also please give a look into this Application Note for LPC546x
LPC5460x UART Secondary Bootloader using Ymodem.