How to deploy application to phytec developement board running with NXP WinCE BSP

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How to deploy application to phytec developement board running with NXP WinCE BSP

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by joho1997 on Mon Jul 16 05:45:38 MST 2012
I am having problem to connect to the phytec development board. I have built the Win CE image with with KITL disabled and Ethernet Driver selected on the Catalog. I have included the 5 CoreCon files on the image. I have modified the ip address on the platfrom.reg to a fixed ip address. I can download the WinCE image to the target board through ethernet port. I can ping to the target board with the predefined ip address.

I have also entered the ip address to Tools->Options->Device Tools->Devices->Window CE 5.0 Device->Properties on the VS2005 application instance.

However, whenever I try to connect to the target device from a VS2005 application instance (a C# application instance), it always reports Connection failed. ActiveSync is not installed.

I watch the packets with WebShark, it shows that the VS2005 application instance sends a request to the target device and the device response to the request. After 3 times of retry, the VS2005 application instance reports the connection error.

Just wonder did anyone successfully deploy application to the Phytec Development Board running the NXP WinCE BSP?

Not sure what I have missed. Can someone please advise.

Many Thanks!
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6 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by joho1997 on Mon Jul 23 04:21:48 MST 2012
I have attached all the screen dump of the CE catalog. I have also modified one of register file to assign a fixed ip address for the OS image.

Please advise if I may have missed some settings.

Many Thanks!
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by rcsison on Thu Jul 19 07:58:32 MST 2012
joho: Can you please let me know what all your Ethernet-related settings are in the Catalog Items in Platform Builder for both the NXP and Adeneo BSPs? This might help me see what you are seeing...

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by joho1997 on Thu Jul 19 06:11:01 MST 2012
I have made a little progress to get the CE image runs with the pre-set IP address ( However when I try to connect to the target device, it still reports connection failed error.

I have captured the log when attempted for the connection (See attached screen dump). It retried for 3 times an then failed.

Wonder what else missing on the settings.

Please help!
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by rcsison on Wed Jul 18 18:49:35 MST 2012
In the Platform Building, we have two things selected in the Catalog Items:

Under Core OS->Applications - End User, we have "ActiveSync" selected.

Under Third Party->BSP->PhyCore_LPC3250: ARMV4I->USB Drivers, we have "USB Device Driver" selected so ActiveSync will work. "USB Host Driver" is for giving the device the capability to read a USB memory stick.

A question: did your Phytec kit come with two example NK .bin images (NK_ACSY.bin and NK_HOST)? The first one has ActiveSync built into it.

As for Ethernet, we do not have Ethernet working on our kit yet, I am curious what your Catalog Items settings are for that.
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by joho1997 on Wed Jul 18 03:40:08 MST 2012
Hi rcsison,

Thanks for your advise.

I have just downloaded the BSP from Adeneo and built the image, but I am still not able to connect the development board. I can download the Win CE image to the board.  With KITL enabled, I can watch the files and the processes.

I built the WinCE image with KITL disable but still not able to connect to the target board. I am sure the core con files (ConmanClient2.exe and CMAccept.exe) are running. I have also include the ActiveSync on the image but no luck.

How can I find out the IP address for debug connection. I don't have any LCD display connected on the development board (still waiting for delivery).

Do I have install ActiveSync (what version?) and connect with USB for debugger?

Is it possible to debug with ethernet connection?

Many Thanks!
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by rcsison on Tue Jul 17 14:16:11 MST 2012
Hi, we use a Phytec LPC3250 development board. We have used both the NXP WinCE 6.0 BSP for it, as well as one from Adeneo. If I recall (it has been a few months since we tried the NXP BSP, which is a free download), it did not have Active Sync built into it. As for the Adeneo one (which has a free version available as a .bin only without source code), we do have Active Sync running...

You might want to try that BSP on your hardware...
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