I have encountered two bugs with eeprom on LPC54628
1. registers RWSTATE and WSTATE are not correctly initialised (at least not as per LPC546XX data sheet (Rev. 2.8 — 8 September 2020) / chapter 11.2 / table 23 / page 102).
This result that sometimes some bit during write are not correctly written (or read). This applies both for iap mode of operation and native EEPROM from SDK v2.1.
Bug can be reproduced just by running example for iap_eeprom on LPC54628 Expresso dev however
Eeprom seems to work ok, when register initialisation is done accordingly.
2. Issue is that write on page 127 (or 128 if counting starts from 1) returns error. Other page writes works ok.
I can volunteer to send patches, but I am not sure where to send them. Can someone helps me with this?
I'm also having issues with page 127 in the eeprom. Using i2c ISP I get error code 0x7 when attempting to write to page 127. All other pages < 127 works fine.
Hello raluralu,
First of all, thanks for your sharing.
And just kindly recommend you use the latest SDK_2.8.2.
About the bugs you mentioned, could you please send the project, I will test it on my side.
Thank you for your response. Using SDK 2.8.2 seems to have little different results.
Simplest way to test this by using provided example.
File -> Import SDK example -> lpcxpresso54628 -> choose sdk 2.8.2 -> next -> under driver_examples select iap_eeprom -> finish
Running this example from debugger for first time fails on my board returns error.
it prints "EEPROM Page read/Write failed" from line 84 of file source/iap_eeprom.c
Issue seems to be connected with debugger or similar.
Applying reset procedure stolen from eeprom example (that is non iap eeprom example)
while ((EEPROM_GetInterruptStatus(EEPROM) & (uint32_t)kEEPROM_ProgramFinishInterruptEnable) == 0UL)
Solves this issue. If this code is placed before IAP_WriteEEPROMPage. (it is needed to add eeprom support from drivers)
Issue is not as much as with RWSTATE and WSTATE as i have previously report, but with initial eeprom state after reset. This might explain why i have not seen an issue after soft reset in debugger.
Kind regards.
OK, thanks for your sharing, I will report it to related team. thanks!