Hi guys,
I'm learning MQTT and I'm following BlackNight example.
Is there an example of how to connect using the domain name of the MQTT broker?
This is because the IP of the broker I am using is dynamic.
Jordan García
Hi Jordan:
Just an information that MQX 5 supports MQTT and REST. But it is under commercial licensing terms.
MQX™ v5 Software Solutions|NXP
Hi Jordan
There is another MQTT implementation described here that you could also try - it is also open source: https://community.nxp.com/message/994806 but allows you to run on any Kinetis part and also in its Kinetis simulator for easier analysis and testing.
Documentation: http://www.utasker.com/docs/uTasker/uTasker_MQTT.pdf
Video: https://youtu.be/-_CV2aXHyjw
The DNS part is a separate process that is performed before starting the connection. It can be done as following in the uTasker implementation (example of connecting to "test.mosquitto.org"):
fnResolveHostName("test.mosquitto.org", fnDNSListner); // resolve broker's address
static void fnDNSListner(unsigned char ucEvent, unsigned char *ptrIP) // called when DNS resolution has completed
unsigned char ucBroker[IPV4_LENGTH];
switch (ucEvent) {
case DNS_EVENT_SUCCESS: // the address has been successfully resolved
uMemcpy(ucBroker, ptrIP, IPV4_LENGTH); // save the IP address which has just been resolved
fnConnectMQTT(ucBroker, fnMQTT_callback, (UNSECURE_MQTT_CONNECTION | MQTT_CONNECT_FLAG_CLEAN_SESSION)); // establish MQTT connection
default: // DNS error message
Kinetis: http://www.utasker.com/kinetis.html
Free Open Source solution: https://github.com/uTasker/uTasker-Kinetis
Working project in 15 minutes video: https://youtu.be/K8ScSgpgQ6M
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Hello Mark,
Do you have a complete example that you can modify?
If I need TLS, does it cost?
Hi Jordan
There is a command line interface application as described in the manual and I also added code to allow publishing data received from an nRF24L01 radio connection as described here
Presently I have offered the MQTT implementation to the open source community but MQTTS (TLS) is presently reserved for licensees (who finance several months of development to be able to realise the quality required) who then have personal support.
Otherwise you could use Amazon FreeRTOS (where there is an MQTT/TLS application) since you may be able to port it to a Kinetis with a few days work, depending on your experience. I think that Eric also has something working with mbedTLS if you prefer that route.
uTasker developer and supporter (+5'000 hours experience on +60 Kinetis derivatives in +80 product developments)
Kinetis: http://www.utasker.com/kinetis.html