K22 FIFO Drain Flag RFDF not getting set

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K22 FIFO Drain Flag RFDF not getting set

Contributor IV

Hi everybody,

Im working with a K22 and a M25P16 flash memory.

Im using the following function to communicate by SPI:

"void fnSPI_command(uint8_t ucCommand, uint32_t ulPageNumberOffset, volatile uint8_t *ucData, uint32_t DataLength)"

So far, i can read the manufacturer register and also the status register succsessfully.

When i try to write data, i see how the SPI signals MOSI, SCK ad CS are OK


But when i try to red the data:

   1- If i try to read 1 byte, i can't see anything at MISO and the code gets stuck at the first red code line.

   2- If i try to read at least 2 bytes, i can see 2 bytes at MISO but the code gets sutck at the second red code line

case READ_DATA_BYTES:  // read data from the chip
        WRITE_SPI1_CMD0((uint8_t)(ulPageNumberOffset >> 16));
        WRITE_SPI1_CMD0((uint8_t)(ulPageNumberOffset >> 8));
        ucTxCount = 4;
        SPI_FLASH_Danger = 1;   // mark that the chip will be busy for some time

if (ucTxCount != 0) {    //Read, with preamble writes?
        if ((ucTxCount == 1) && (DataLength > 1))
            WRITE_SPI1_CMD0(0xFF);           //We have to come out of here with two xmit cmds in FIFO, if at least 2 RX are coming
                //That's to make sure the TX FIFO keeps fully ahead of RX bytes and doesn't stall
        while (ucTxCount != 0) {                                             // while command bytes are going out
            if ((ucTxCount == 2) && (DataLength > 1))                       // before TX FIFO goes empty, put in 2 if we can!
                WRITE_SPI1_CMD0(0xFF);                                   // toss the associated RX bytes
            if (ucTxCount == 1)                                              // before TX FIFO goes empty, put in another
                if (DataLength == 1)                                         //Will this TX go with the last RX?
            // toss the associated RX bytes
           while( !(SPI1_SR & SPI_SR_RFDF_MASK) ) {}   IF I TRY TO READ A BYTE
            (void)  READ_SPI1_DATA();//*(volatile uint8_t *)(DSPI0_BLOCK + 0x38); // SPI0 POP RX FIFO Register (read-only);
            SPI1_SR |= SPI_SR_RFDF_MASK;

            while( !(SPI1_SR & SPI_SR_RFDF_MASK) ) {}   IF I TRY TO READ MORE THAN 2 BYTES
            *ucData++ = READ_SPI1_DATA();
            SPI1_SR |= SPI_SR_RFDF_MASK;
            if (DataLength == 2)                                         //Will this TX go with the last RX?
              if (DataLength > 2)
                WRITE_SPI1_CMD0(0xFF);                                   // Make an associated TX byte
          } while (DataLength != 0);

By the way, if i chage the value of ucTxCount = 1;//4; i receive data on MISO, i can't read it back from the function though. I get u8prueba = 0

fnSPI_command(READ_DATA_BYTES, 0x80001, &u8prueba, sizeof(u8prueba));


Any help will bw apreciated.

Thanks and best regards.

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Senior Contributor III

This code was optimized for very fast access (CPU clock /4) of Dword multiples ONLY.


and even THEN it doesn't quite 'keep up'; there are interbyte gaps.  It is HARD to loop a byte every 320ns (32 instruction cycles). Note though that my original code did NOT have the Delay() functions between the initial byte-writes, so I think we can assume that those initial 40ns extra-clock gaps are driven by hardware, as the TX FIFO was surely 'well filled' for at least the first 4 bytes.

BUT still it does allow me to do a full 32bit CRC on a 512Kbyte potential-code-image in under 200ms.

You can restore to the original code from uTasker.

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