How to Add Existing Files to KDS

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How to Add Existing Files to KDS

How to Add Existing Files to KDS

If you are migrating from CodeWarrior to KDS, then you might notice that CodeWarrior had a 'Add Files...' menu:

14840_14840.pngCodeWarrior Add Files.png

KDS is using an unmodified Eclipse version, and because the above menu was a CodeWarrior specific extension, this menu is not present in Eclipse.

But there are many different other ways in Eclipse how to add existing files to a project in KDS:

  1. File Import Menu
  2. Drag and Drop
  3. Copy and Paste

See How to Add Existing Files to Eclipse Projects | MCU on Eclipse


Happy Adding :-)

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Last update:
‎09-14-2014 02:11 AM
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