Problems with 'bit set' operation on the MCF52233

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Problems with 'bit set' operation on the MCF52233

Contributor I



I'm trying to replace some of the macros that get created by the MCF52233 compiler with atomic operations.  For example, I'm using things like




But this compiles into numerous instructions.  I need to be able to set this bit in a single instruction.  Looking through the instruction set, I see that subq, addq, and bset all have the same allowable format of '#<data>,<ea>x'


So if I try to compile

subq #1, 40000000

addq #1, 40000000


everything is fine, but if I compile

bset #1, 40000000 or

bclr #1, 40000000


I get a compile error 'illegal addressing mode'.  So it is not clear to me why this same mode works for some commands and not others when they all allegedly accept it.

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Contributor IV

Eqqman wrote:


...if I compile

bset #1, 40000000 or

bclr #1, 40000000


I get a compile error 'illegal addressing mode'.


The tables provided with the full documentation of BSET and BCLR show that combination of addressing modes is NOT permitted. A register must be involved, either the bit number in a source register, or the destination in a data register or through an address register.


To atomically set/clear a bit at a byte address, you can put the bit number in a register, e.g.:


moveq #1,r0

bset.b r0,40000000


Or the address in an address register:


lea 40000000,a0

bset.b #1,(a0) 


If the target location is 32 bits, you can use "and" and "or" instructions to make atomic changes with the mask/value in a source register. For a 16-bit I/O port, I don't think atomic is possible with coldfire.


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