M5484 LITE : Downloading .elf file to boot flash

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M5484 LITE : Downloading .elf file to boot flash

Contributor I

Hello All,


I am working with the Zoom Coldfire Developmental kit-m5484 LITE. The boot flash size on the kit is 4 MB including bBug loader and Logic Loader.
I have downloaded Linix BSP and Toolchain from www.logicpd.com. I have built the image from Fedora 4 as per the instruction given in the manual.
The final image.elf is of size 4.3 MB but the boot flash on the board is of 4 MB including dBug loader and Logic Loader.
When i tried to download the file into the board from Tera term, i got load failed #1 errno 110>.
Please kindly suggest me. How can i come out of this problem?


Thanks and Regards
Rupa. BR

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2 Replies

Specialist II

> The final image.elf is of size 4.3 MB

Do you mean the actual physical size of the .elf file is 4.3MB or do you mean that the "size" of the data in the file is 4.3MB?

For example, looking at a project I have on my computer (and obscuring the project name):

$ ls -lFt xxxx.*

-rwxr-xr-x 1 Tom None 1222308 May 17  2013 xxxx.hex*

-rwxr-xr-x 1 Tom None 2184723 May 17  2013 xxxx.elf*

-rwxr-xr-x 1 Tom None  425136 May 17  2013 xxxx.bin*

$ m68k-elf-size xxxx.elf

  text    data    bss    dec    hex filename

362576  62560 1329276 1754412  1ac52c xxxx.elf

The ELF file is 2.1M, but the binary data (bin file) is only 425k. The "size" command shows the "text" and "data' in the file as well as the uninitialised data the program uses (bss).

I am not familiar with the system you're using. Maybe the Bootstrap can load "elf" files, but "bin" or "hex" is more common. That would be a waste of Flash though. Maybe the Boot can be send an "elf" file and then extract the binary data and only burn that to Flash. I haven't seen that (or know why anyone would write a boot to do that).

Why are you trying to load it via TeraTerm? Normally that requires sending the "hex" or "srec" or "s7" format file. Can't you load it over Ethernet?

The normal approach is to leave the Boot partition in the Flash alone, and to save the Kernel and the Root File System into two other Flash partitions. Then the Boot is configured to load the kernel from the other partition.

I'm used to Linux systems that generate a COMPRESSED Linux Kernel "vmlinuz", "zImage" or whatever u-boot wants and then save that to the kernel partition.

Are you trying to replace the boot or save the Linux image "in the free space" in the Flash that has the Boot in it?


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Contributor I

I'm working with the same board, and also tried your way to build a linux image... but it isn't a good choice, because as you told, the image's size is too fat.
but as you know it's possible to build a linux image smaller than that!
the alternative way that i found is using LTIB (Linux Target Image Builder) You can find it following this path from freescale's home site:
Products->CodeWarrior Development Tools->Linux Solutions->Linux Target Image Builder
In the download section you find the iso CD image also.

But obviously, also following this way there is many troubles: you will can completely configure the linux kernel with a very usefull script, and also load a colilo bootloader... but the colilo bootloader isn't for 5484 processor: only for 5475 and 5485!!

I have already posted this problem to freescale and i waiting reply!

Have fun with LTIB, and if you find a solution, reply me please!

Best Regards, Gianluca Salvador
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