Level of Linux support for MCF5445x series (and issues with the latest BSP)

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Level of Linux support for MCF5445x series (and issues with the latest BSP)

Contributor I
I'm using an MCF54455EVB for purposes of evaluating the MCF54451 for a product we are designing, however running in to some issues.

Not all the packages in the BSP compile.  I've corrected some errors, but issues persist.   I'm a little suprised that it would appear that BSP does not appear to have been completely built before.  In particular I'm attempting to use the Coldfire CAU with OpenSWAN and getting basic build errors due to incompatibilities between the version of Perl in the BSP and the version of GCC in the BSP.

Where can I get further direct support for such Linux issues?  This is blocking our evaluation of the Coldfire right now.   Freescale's support channel has not been helpful.

Since I have fixed some issues already, how may I go about submitting patches?

Is the only way to receive linux on the Coldfire to use this apparently single golden BSP release?  (Ie is there no repository access or more regularly updated release scheme?)

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2 Replies

Contributor III
Not all of the packages included in LTIB are tested or applicable in every bsp.  LTIB is much like the linux kernel, in that the kernel will include configuration options that may not work or build for the ARCH you have configured the kernel for, but the options are still present in the kernel configuration.  The source code is there for a starting point that can be used in adding that feature support to the ARCH you are using. 
The same premise was used in making the decision to provide all available LTIB packages in each bsp, even if some of them would not work or build.  We felt it would be better to leave them in as a starting point for customers than to strip each bsp of packages in LTIB that we did not test.   In many cases the packages build and work as is.  Sometimes they do not.   
Also, when working with the kernel it is best to start with a known working configuration and modify from there.  That is basically what the LTIB bsps provide, a known working configuration to start from.  The bsp is configured with the toolchain, bootloader, kernel and config, and enabled set of user space packages, all combined to provide a known working linux system to start from.  
That said, I think the best route for you may be to join the LTIB developer community.
That will allow you to get the latest version of LTIB and latest packages via the LTIB CVS.   You can join a mailing list with other developer that are using LTIB.  The LTIB maintainer actively monitors the list and you can submit fixes and enhancements that way.
Hope this is helpful.
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Contributor I
Thanks for the reply.   I've now fetched LTIB from CVS and will try that.   At least I know now that the issues and errors I'm seeing may not be due to an error I've made in configuration.

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