old MC56800 legacy project: wich IDE to use on a 64bit Windows 10 ?

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old MC56800 legacy project: wich IDE to use on a 64bit Windows 10 ?

Contributor II

I have an old legacy project for a DSP56F801 processor. The project was developed under Vista using a classic IDE on a 32bit machine.

I am now using W10 on a 64bit hw. I am getting troubles to find out the proper IDE to use.

Any clue ?

Thank you.

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2 返答(返信)

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Tosi,

all the classic version for DSC don't support 64bit win10.

here is document of how to install CW8.3 on 64bit win7 but I never test if the same method also work for win10. You could test it if you want.


Our officially recommendation is to use CW10.7 instead.

CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers-Eclipse IDE|NXP 

Here is the document of how to import classic dsc project to eclipse cw/


Hope this helps.

Have a great day,
Jennie Zhang

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Contributor II

Thank you for your answer. AN4338 seems useful. I will try.

About CW10.7 (build 160721): I installed in a W10 64bit environment and imported a classic CW8.3 design. The problem is that the original processor was a DSP56F801 and after import execution (at first sight successful) an error message glows telling "the MC56800 is not supported by this product": see please the screenshot below.

Any hint ?

StefanoSchermata 2017-02-21 alle 12.14.36.png

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