Simulating MSCAN on HC08

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Simulating MSCAN on HC08

Contributor I
Hi all,
I'm using CodeWarrior with HC08GZ60 board and trying to write some programs using CAN. Now I want to use the 'Full Chip Emulation' mode to debug. However, I always got several error lines in the Command window " as following
    MSCAN Error - Transmit Buffer #1 not initialized!
    MSCAN Error - Transmit Buffer #1 not initialized!
    MSCAN Error - Transmit Buffer #1 not initialized!
    MSCAN Error - Transmit Buffer #1 not initialized!
The emulation always ends at the line
    ExitCritical();                      //To be able to interrup
Please give me some ideas about this.
Oh, by the way, can I have an emulation with CAN in sending and receiving messages ?
Thanks and regards.
Dinh Hoang Tu

#include <hidef.h> /* for EnableInterrupts macro */#include <MC68HC908GZ60.h> /* include peripheral declarations */#include "IO.h"#include "TIM.h"#include "SCI.h"#include "CAN.h"#include "common.h"#define SaveStatusReg()     { asm PSHA; asm TPA; asm SEI; asm STA CCR_reg; asm PULA; } /* This macro is used by Processor Expert. It saves CCR register and disable global interrupts. */#define RestoreStatusReg()  { asm PSHA; asm LDA CCR_reg; asm TAP; asm PULA; } /* This macro is used by Processor Expert. It restores CCR register saved in SaveStatusReg(). */#define EnterCritical()     SaveStatusReg()#define ExitCritical()      RestoreStatusReg()static byte * IDR1regs[3] = {&IDR10,&IDR11,&IDR12}; /* adresses of IDR1 registers */static dword * IDRregs[3] = {&IDR0,&IDR1,&IDR2}; /* adresses of IDR registers */static byte * IDR3regs[3] = {&IDR30,&IDR31,&IDR32}; /* adresses of IDR3 registers */static byte * DSRregs[3] = {&DSR00,&DSR01,&DSR02}; /* adresses of DSR registers  */static byte * DLRregs[3] = {&DLR0,&DLR1,&DLR2}; /* adresses of DLR registers  */static byte * TBPRregs[3] = {&TBPR0,&TBPR1,&TBPR2}; /* adresses of TBPR registers *//****************************************************************                                **             Definition of a variable                 **                                *****************************************************************/byte CCR_reg;    // Current CCR registerextern unsigned char LED_Flag;extern unsigned char SCI_Transmit_Flag;extern unsigned char SCI_Transmit_Data[15];extern unsigned char DP256;extern unsigned char GZ16;extern unsigned char AZ60;extern unsigned char MPC555;extern unsigned char LCDValueHigh;extern unsigned char LCDValueLow;extern unsigned char Command;extern unsigned char LEDValue;extern unsigned char CheckSum; extern unsigned char CAN_Transmit_Flag;extern unsigned char CAN_Receive_Flag;extern dword CAN_MessageID;extern byte CAN_FrameType;extern byte CAN_FrameFormat;extern byte CAN_DataLength;extern byte CAN_Data[8];/****************************************************************                                **              Function definition   **                                *****************************************************************/void CAN_Init(void){  /* CMCR0: —–=0,˜™=0,??=0,SYNCH=0,TLNKEN=0,SLPAK=0,SLPRQ=0,SFTRES=1 */  CMCR0 = 1;                           /* CAN reset */  /* CMCR1: ??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,??=0,LOOPB=0,WUPM=0,CLKsrc=0 */  CMCR1 = 0;        //The clock source is exterior crystal oscillator/2 = 2Mhz    CIDAC_IDAM = 0;     //32 Members receive filters  CIDAR = 0x00000000; //Set the acceptance code   CIDMR = 0xFFFFFFFF; //Set the acceptance mask     CBTR0  = 0x43;     CBTR1  = 0xA3;   //The baud rate is 62.5K  CMCR0  = 0x00;   //Establishes the CAN module as the data feeds output condition   CRIER  = 0xFF;   //CAN Interruption in order to receive}/*** ===================================================================**     Method      :  CAN_ReadFrame (dword *MessageID,byte *FrameType,byte *FrameFormat,byte *Length,byte* Data)****     Description :**         From receiving a frame buffer, retrieval of data. **     Parameters  :**         NAME            - DESCRIPTION**       * MessageID       - Signs at targets **       * FrameType       - Frame type indicator**                           DATA_FRAME - Data frame**                           REMOTE_FRAME - Remote frame**       * FrameFormat     - Frame format for**                           STANDARD_FORMAT - Standard frame 11-bits**                           EXTENDED_FORMAT - Expansion frame 29-bits**       * Length          - Frame length**       * Data            - Receives data**     Returns     :**         ---             None** ===================================================================*/void CAN_ReadFrame(dword *MessageID,byte *FrameType,byte *FrameFormat,byte *Length,byte* Data){  dword ID;    //Temporary variable  ID = REC_IDR; //Reads takes the designator  if ((REC_IDR1 & 8))   //Is "expansion frame"£¿  {            ID = ( ((ID >> 1) & 0x0003FFFF) | ((ID >> 3) & 0xFFFC0000) ); //ID Results      *FrameType = (REC_IDR3 & 1)? REMOTE_FRAME : DATA_FRAME; //Frame type£Long-distance frame or data frame£¿   }   else    //If is "standard frame"   {          ID >>= 21;    //ID Results     *FrameType = (REC_IDR1 & 16)? REMOTE_FRAME : DATA_FRAME; //Frame type   }  *MessageID = ID;    //ID Results                   *FrameFormat = (REC_IDR1 & 8)? EXTENDED_FORMAT : STANDARD_FORMAT; //Frame type   *Length = REC_DLR & 0x0F;    //Data length      if (*FrameType == DATA_FRAME) // If the data frame   {          Data[0] =  REC_DSR0;    Data[1] =  REC_DSR1;    Data[2] =  REC_DSR2;    Data[3] =  REC_DSR3;    Data[4] =  REC_DSR4;    Data[5] =  REC_DSR5;    Data[6] =  REC_DSR6;    Data[7] =  REC_DSR7;   //To the array of data storage  }  }/*** ===================================================================**     Method      :  CAN1_SendFrame (byte BufferNum,dword MessageID,byte FrameType,byte Length,byte * Data)****     Description :**         Transmits an information. **     Parameters  :**         NAME            - DESCRIPTION**         BufferNum       - Buffer numeral **         MessageID       - Information signs at **         FrameType       - Frame types **                           DATA_FRAME - data frame**                           REMOTE_FRAME - remote frame**         Length          - Frame length (0..8)**       * Data            - Data **     Returns     :**         ---             - 0 Error**                         - 1 Success** ===================================================================*/byte CAN_SendFrame(byte BufferNum,dword MessageID,byte FrameType,byte Length,byte * Data){  byte i;  //Temporary variables   byte bufmask=((word)1<<BufferNum);  //Buffer mask  if ( (BufferNum > 2) || (Length > 8) ) //If the buffer marking is bigger than 2 Or greater than the length of data 8    return 0;   // Return error   if (FrameType > REMOTE_FRAME)          //If the frame frequency is not the long-distance frame or the data frame     return 0;   //Return error  if (!(CTFLG & bufmask))              //The transmission buffer is full    return 0;   //Return error   EnterCritical();   //Prohibit a break   CTCR_TXEIE |= bufmask;               //To be able to interrupt  if (MessageID < 2048)                //Is the standard frame£¿    *IDRregs[BufferNum] = (MessageID << 21); // Establishes this news is the standard frame   else    *IDRregs[BufferNum] = ( ((MessageID<<1) & 0x0007FFFF) | ((MessageID << 3) & 0xFFE00000) ) | 0x00080000 ; //Establishment news for expansion frame     if (FrameType == DATA_FRAME) //Is the data frame£¿  {           for(i=0; i<Length; i++)      *((DSRregs[BufferNum])+i) = Data[i]; /* Store data to the transmit register */    if (MessageID < 2048)              /* Is it the standard frame? */      *IDR1regs[BufferNum] &= ~16;     /* If yes then set message type as "data frame" */    else      *IDR3regs[BufferNum] &= ~1;      /* If no then set message type as "data frame" */  }  else  //  {    if (MessageID < 2048)              //Is the standard frame£¿      *IDR1regs[BufferNum] |= 16;      //Establishes this is the long-distance frame     else      *IDR3regs[BufferNum] |= 1;         }  *DLRregs[BufferNum] = Length;        //A message length   *TBPRregs[BufferNum] = 0;            //A priority level   CTFLG = bufmask;                     //Start sending  ExitCritical();                      //To be able to interrupt  return 1;   //Success}void SoftDelay(){    int i = 0;    for(i=0;i<0xfff;i++);    for(i=0;i<0xfff;i++);    for(i=0;i<0xfff;i++);    for(i=0;i<0xfff;i++);    for(i=0;i<0xfff;i++);    for(i=0;i<0xfff;i++);    for(i=0;i<0xfff;i++);    for(i=0;i<0xfff;i++);    for(i=0;i<0xfff;i++);    for(i=0;i<0xfff;i++);}void CAN_Task(void){  byte BufferNum;  if(CAN_Receive_Flag==1)  //After processes CAN to receive the information the duty  {                               if(CAN_Data[1]==0x10)  //Judges whether for feedback information    {             DP256   = CAN_Data[0];      GZ16    = CAN_Data[1];      AZ60    = CAN_Data[2];      MPC555  = CAN_Data[3];      LCDValueHigh  = CAN_Data[4];      LCDValueLow   = CAN_Data[5];      Command       = CAN_Data[6];      LEDValue      = CAN_Data[7];          SCI_Transmit_Data[0]  = (byte)(CAN_MessageID&0xFF);      SCI_Transmit_Data[1]  = (byte)((CAN_MessageID>>8)&0xFF);      SCI_Transmit_Data[2]  = (byte)((CAN_MessageID>>16)&0xFF);      SCI_Transmit_Data[3]  = (byte)((CAN_MessageID>>24)&0xFF);          SCI_Transmit_Data[4]  = CAN_Data[0];      SCI_Transmit_Data[5]  = CAN_Data[1];      SCI_Transmit_Data[6]  = CAN_Data[2];      SCI_Transmit_Data[7]  = CAN_Data[3];      SCI_Transmit_Data[8]  = CAN_Data[4];      SCI_Transmit_Data[9]  = CAN_Data[5];      SCI_Transmit_Data[10]  = CAN_Data[6];      SCI_Transmit_Data[11]  = CAN_Data[7];          SCI_Transmit_Data[12]  = 8;      SCI_Transmit_Data[13]  = 1;      SCI_Transmit_Data[14]  = 5;    }    if(GZ16==0x10)  //Judge whether there GZ16 node    {      LED_Flag  = 1;               }    SCI_Transmit_Flag = 1;    CAN_Receive_Flag  = 0;     LED8  = 0;       }  if(CAN_Transmit_Flag==1)  //Processes duty which CAN needs to transmit  {    //LED7 = 0;    //Test    /*    if (CAN_Data[2] == 0)    {      LED1 = 0;      LED2 = 0;      LED3 = 0;    }else    {       LED1 = 0;       LED2 = 0;       LED3 = 1;    }    */    SoftDelay();    //Choose to buffer empty    if(CTFLG_TXE0)    {      BufferNum = 0;    }    else if(CTFLG_TXE1)     {      BufferNum = 1;    }    else if(CTFLG_TXE2)    {      BufferNum = 2;    }    if(CAN_SendFrame(BufferNum,CAN_MessageID,CAN_FrameType,CAN_DataLength,CAN_Data)==1)    {      CAN_Transmit_Flag = 0;  //If transmits successfully£Sent a request to remove signs      //LED7 = 1;      SoftDelay();    }      }    }interrupt void  Int_CAN_Receive(void){  //CAN_Receive_Flag  = 1;  CAN_ReadFrame(&CAN_MessageID,&CAN_FrameType,&CAN_FrameFormat,&CAN_DataLength,CAN_Data);      LED1  = CAN_Data[0];      LED2  = CAN_Data[1];      LED3  = CAN_Data[2];      LED4  = CAN_Data[3];      LED5  = CAN_Data[4];      LED6  = CAN_Data[5];      LED7  = CAN_Data[6];      LED8  = CAN_Data[7];  CRFLG = 1;      //Reset the reception complete flag   }interrupt void  Int_CAN_Transmit(void){   CTCR = 0x00;}interrupt void  Int_CAN_Error(void){   if(CRFLG_BOFFIF)      {      LED1  = 0;      LED2  = 0;      LED3  = 0;      LED4  = 0;      LED5  = 0;      LED6  = 0;      LED7  = 0;      LED8  = 0;   }}interrupt void  Int_CAN_Wakeup(void){  }////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////This is my main file////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////        #include <hidef.h> /* for EnableInterrupts macro */#include <MC68HC908GZ60.h> /* include peripheral declarations */#include "IO.h"#include "TIM.h"#include "SCI.h"#include "CAN.h"#include "SPI.h"#include "TBM.h"#include "MC33989.h"#include "common.h"#include "port.h"/****************************************************************                                **             ¶¨ÒåÈ«¾Ö±äÁ¿                  **                                *****************************************************************/unsigned char timer_10ms_flag;unsigned char timer_1s_flag;unsigned char timer_10ms_counter;unsigned int  timer_1s_counter;unsigned char SCI_Receive_Data[9];unsigned char SCI_Transmit_Data[15];unsigned char SCI_Receive_Index;unsigned char SCI_Transmit_Index;unsigned char SCI_Receive_Flag;unsigned char SCI_Transmit_Flag;unsigned char DP256;unsigned char GZ16;unsigned char AZ60;unsigned char MPC555;unsigned char LCDValueHigh;unsigned char LCDValueLow;unsigned char Command;unsigned char LEDValue;unsigned char CheckSum;unsigned char LED_Flag;unsigned char CAN_Transmit_Flag;unsigned char CAN_Receive_Flag;dword CAN_MessageID;byte CAN_FrameType;byte CAN_FrameFormat;byte CAN_DataLength;byte CAN_Data[8] = "00001111";unsigned char LED_Delay_Counter;unsigned char SPI_Data;extern void SoftDelay();/****************************************************************                                **             º¯Êý¶¨Òå                      **                                *****************************************************************/void Hardware_Init(void){  CONFIG1_COPD        = 1;    //¿´ÃŹ·½ûÖ¹  //CONFIG2_MSCANEN     = 1;    //CANÄ£¿éʹÄÜ  //CONFIG2_TMCLKSEL    = 1;    //ʱ»ùÄ£¿é128·ÖƵ  //CONFIG2_OSCENINSTOP = 1;    //STOP״̬Ï£¬Õñµ´Æ÷ʹÄÜ  //CONFIG2_SCIBDsrc=1;    //ÓÃÄÚ²¿×ÜÏßʱÖÓ×÷ΪSCIµÄʱÖÓÔ´    CONFIG2             = 0x0F;  IO_Init();  SCI_Init();  CAN_Init();  TIM_Init();  TBM_Init();  SPI_Init();  MC33989_Init();}void Variable_Init(void)  //±äÁ¿³õʼ»¯{  //¼ÆÊýÆ÷£¬±ê־λ  timer_10ms_flag     = 0;  timer_1s_flag       = 0;  timer_10ms_counter  = COUNTER_10MS_MAX;  timer_1s_counter    = COUNTER_1S_MAX;  //SCI  SCI_Receive_Flag    = 0;  SCI_Receive_Index   = 0;  SCI_Transmit_Flag   = 0;  SCI_Transmit_Index  = 0;  //LED  LED_Flag            = 1;  LED_Delay_Counter   = 0;  //CAN  CAN_Transmit_Flag   = 0;  CAN_Receive_Flag    = 0;  CAN_MessageID       = 0x22FFFFFF;  CAN_FrameType       = DATA_FRAME;  CAN_FrameFormat     = EXTENDED_FORMAT;  CAN_DataLength      = 8;  }void main(void) {  int i = 0;  Hardware_Init();  Variable_Init();  PORTF = 0xFF;  DDRF = 0xFF;  EnableInterrupts; /* enable interrupts */   for(;;)   {             CAN_Transmit_Flag = 1;    if (i%2 == 0)    {        CAN_Data[0] = 0;        CAN_Data[1] = 0;        CAN_Data[2] = 0;        CAN_Data[3] = 0;        CAN_Data[4] = 1;        CAN_Data[5] = 1;        CAN_Data[6] = 1;        CAN_Data[7] = 1;                 }else    {        CAN_Data[0] = 1;        CAN_Data[1] = 1;        CAN_Data[2] = 1;        CAN_Data[3] = 1;        CAN_Data[4] = 0;        CAN_Data[5] = 0;        CAN_Data[6] = 0;        CAN_Data[7] = 0;                }    i = i +1;    CAN_Task();    SoftDelay();           /*    if(timer_10ms_flag==1)    {        LED1  = ~LED1;        PORTF = 0x0F;      //SCI_Task();            //LED_Task();      timer_10ms_flag = 0;      }*/     } /* loop forever */  }


Message Edited by CrasyCat on 2007-07-02 08:49 AM
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4 Replies

Specialist III
  According to the message you are seeing it looks like CAN buffer number 1 is not initialized properly.
  Also I am not sure which version of CodeWarrior for HC08  you are currently using (V5.0, V5.1, ...)?
  There is a CAN sample project in {Install}\ProcessorExpert\Projects\Test projects\CAN.
  Can you try whether this one is working? It is working for me ( I change the CPU to MC68HC908GZ60CFJ
  and I do not get the messages you are seeing.
  I did test with V5.1.

Contributor I
Dear CrasyCat,
Following your instruction, I have run the CAN Test Project of Code Warrair 5.1.
At the first time, it semmed to be ok. Howerver, after I turned off the CW and started it again, these messages appeared again :
    MSCAN Error - Transmit Buffer #1 not initialized!

Does your CW run normally after restart ?
Dinh Hoang Tu
0 Kudos

Contributor I
Dear CrasyCat,
moreover, I have retested many CAN programs. Probably this error just happens when I try to emulate a send frame function.
Do you have any idea on this ?
Dinh Hoang Tu
0 Kudos

Specialist III
Just a stupid question.
While you are running your application on simulator is anyone reading the CAN message?
If you just use CAN transmit, the system may come back with an error if the buffer is still full with other messages.
Just my 10 cents on that one.
Anyway I am not sure it is a good idea to use the simulator to test CAN software. You need to send your packets somewhere.
Who/what is reading these data on your system?
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