Codewarrior 5.9 IDE and command line compilers do not produce the same output file

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Codewarrior 5.9 IDE and command line compilers do not produce the same output file

Contributor I


I am trying to setup a makefile for a codewarrior project to integrate into our build pipeline. I am able to run the make file and compile/link all the code, but when using a diff tool I can see that the output file does not match the file I would get if I compiled from the IDE.

My main question is, are the command line and IDE compilers the same? I know the IDE compiler is integrated into the IDE and it does not call the command line one, but is it so different that I would get a different output from the same source files?

The second question, is there an easy way to extract all the compiler options from the IDE? I already tried exporting the configuration panels as xml files, but the configuration options in the IDE do not have the same name as the command line parameters.

Here are the compile flags for the makefile

SHARED_Flags = -progress -search -msgstyle IDE
= $(SHARED_Flags) -case -debug -assert_nop -warn_nop -warn_stall -nolegacy -nodebug_workaround -data 16 -prog 16 -warn_odd_sp

MWCC_Flags = $(SHARED_Flags) -encoding ascii -prefix ./preproc -ansi off -char signed -enum min -inline all -ipa off -requireprotos -stdkeywords off -strings reuse -strict off -trigraphs off -noconstarray -opt level=3, speed -DO off -padpipe -largedata -globalsInLowerMemory -segchardata -noinitializedzerodata -noasmout -chkasm off -chkcsrcpipeline off -warnings noerror, illpragmas, emptydecl, unwanted, unusedarg, unusedvar, extracomma, pedantic, hidevirtual, ptrintconv, notokenpasting, missingreturn, structclass, nofilecaps, nosysfilecaps, implicitconv, impl_int2float, impl_float2int, impl_signedunsigned, noundefmacro, nonotinlined, nopadding, nonotused -ppopt nofull, nocomment, noline, nospace

MWLD_Flags = $(SHARED_Flags) -deadstrip -main F_EntryPoint -map showbyte -sortbyaddr -srec -sreceol dos -sreclength 252 -application -sym fullpath -warnings on, noerror -largedata
 Attached in the zip file are all the config settings I could find.
Thank you
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1 Reply

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi vvazir 

command line and IDE use the same version compiler.

when using Commandline, we need to make sure the toolchain command arguments are the same as using IDE.

We can check IDE compiler setting manually.


Hope this helps,

Jun Zhang

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