Request for information on CodeWarrior document use

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Request for information on CodeWarrior document use

Specialist I
We try to help you out with problems in these forums. Hopefully, we do. Now, you can help us---which will help us help you better.

I'm taking a simple poll here:

When you use CodeWarrior, how do use use its documentation? Yes, it's safe to admit you read the manuals here. :smileyhappy:

Do you:

Use the PDF version of the manuals? If so, do you read it on-screen or print it out?
Do you use the Windows Help version of the manuals?
Do you rely on the tooltips?
Do you NOT use any of these? If so, why? Saying something's bad is OK (if done tastefully and with an explanation of why), because it means we have a problem to fix.

We've got a number of products in the pipe, which means updated documentation. How you use the documents will help use decide where to best focus our efforts.


---Tom Thompson
J2MEJediMaster, and support guy

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2 Replies

Contributor IV
I'll bite first, don't want to turn down the opportunity to give input when it's being requested. 
1) I may have used the PDF version when I first started using CodeWarrior, but it was limited at best.  I have never printed out any of the documentation.  The last thing I need is more documents cluttering up my work area.  The only time I would have considered printing it out is when I first started to use it if I had wanted to read it straight through or for an extended period of time.
2) When I do need to use the documentation I usually use the Windows Help version finding a keyword in the index or using the search function if that doesn't work. 
3) I have never used the tooltips and turned them off soon after installing them.  Looking back at some of them, it isn't that they aren't useful, I just turned them off out of habit.  I get annoyed by pop-up boxes when I open an application.
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Specialist I
Thanks for the feedback. No, what I meant by tooltips are those little explanatory balloons that appear when you hover the pointer over a button icon in the menu/toolbar, trying to figure out if pushing it will cause CodeWarrior to search for header files or erase your hard drive. :smileyhappy: Sorry for the confusion.

As for the tip of the day box that appears after you launch the app, I'm in agreement with you: I find that annoying when all I want to do is get on with my coding. I switch that off right away.

Again, thanks for the information.


Message Edited by J2MEJediMaster on 2008-02-18 09:24 AM
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