I am developing a wireless network for industrial process monitoring so I bought the MC1321 DevKit. In this wireless network I will have a coordinator node which communicates with a GUI located in a PC. The MC1321 DevKit uses a CP2102 UART-USB converter from www.silabs.com , and in order to develop the GUI that sends and receives messages to theCP2102 USB-UART converter I downloaded a library from silabs website, this library contains a set of host API´s that are suppose to allow me to build a c++ application (PC GUI) that communicates with the MC1321 DevKit. But in order for the application that uses this set of API´s to run it requires a driver called USBXpress which is provided by silabs too, this driver is suppose to recognize the CP2102 at the time it is plugged. The problem is that it doesn´t happen, I plug the MC1321 DevKit with the CP2102 and the computer doesn´t find any corresponding usb driver even though I had the USBXpress installed as indicated in silab website.
I don´nt know much about USB com but I thing that this is because the firmware of the CP2102(USB-UART bridege) such as serial number, manufacturer name, vendor and product ID was previously changed by freescale.
I need to know how could I build an GUI application that has communication with the MC1321 DevKit if I can´t use the USBXpress driver provided by silabs. Does freescale have some other driver and API´s that I can use? Or how could I do communicate with this CP2102 ?
What do you suggest me to do, I am stucked here?