AN2295 (HC08/S08 Developer's Serial Bootloader) updated for rev. 9.2 - CF V1 (alpha) support added

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AN2295 (HC08/S08 Developer's Serial Bootloader) updated for rev. 9.2 - CF V1 (alpha) support added

86,503 次查看
Contributor IV

software for Application note AN2295 (HC08/S08 Developer's Serial Bootloader) has been updated recently. Since the last rev. 8 (Aug-2006) several additions and enhancements has been done:
  • S08LC family added
  • S08QE (Flexis) added
  • S08GB/GT family updated for A-family
  • S08EL/SL family added (including EEPROM programming)
  • S08QD family added (with software SCI)
  • S08DZ family added (including EEPROM programming)
  • HC08GR8A corrected
  • S08QG8 corrected
  • hc08sprg.exe master updated
  • simple Windows GUI application added
  • all projects updated for CodeWarrior 6.1
HC08 families supported: AB/AS/AZ, AP, GP32, GR(A), GZ, JKJL, JKJL8, JW32, KX/EY/GT, LB, LJ, MR, QB, QC, QT/QY, SR

S08 families supported: AW, DZ, EL/SL, GB/GT(A), LC, QD, QE, QG, RC/RD/RE/RG, SR

Any comments, reports, suggestions or wishes are more than welcome. Some of the latest bootloaders are still in alpha stage, tested briefly.

Direct download link is here:

Unfortunately accompanying application note AN2295.pdf has not been updated yet (to reflect new protocol variations).

Best regards, Pavel, ok2ucx
Freescale Czech Republic
an2295 developer

Message Edited by ok2ucx on 2008-02-19 04:16 PM
Message Edited by ok2ucx on 2009-08-04 10:37 AM
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1 解答
34,644 次查看
Contributor III

Hi Pavel and thanks for your response!


It worked like a charm!


I changed that line and stopt feeding my watchdog when I wanted to reboot and enter the bootloader.


Since I spent alot of time searching for a solution like this on the forum and did not find it, mabey this should be documented in someway :smileyhappy:


Best regards





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241 回复数
19,038 次查看
Contributor I

Hi! I'm new in this forum.

I'm working with MC9S08AC128 and I want to upload bootloader via SCI. I downloaded the AN2295sw but I don't get to compile the project.

Is bootloader.c and bootloader.h suitable for this microcontroller? 

I imported AN2295 with Codewarrior.



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19,038 次查看
Contributor IV

Is there any support for the hcs12 parts?  Anyone ported the 08 stuff to the 12's?


Bob Bailey

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19,037 次查看
Contributor I

alguém pode me ajudar.? estou tentando fazer um bootloader com o MC9S08PT32A

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19,037 次查看
Contributor II


I'm trying to import the MCF51jm128 serial bootloader project from AN2295 and imported with codewarrior 10.1.

After that i'm getting this error at build:

'Building target: hc08sprg-v1jm128-sci1.elf'

'Executing target #3 hc08sprg-v1jm128-sci1.elf'

'Invoking: ColdFire Linker'

"F:/APPS/Freescale/CW MCU v10.2/MCU/ColdFire_Tools/Command_Line_Tools/mwldmcf" @@"hc08sprg-v1jm128-sci1.args" -o "hc08sprg-v1jm128-sci1.elf" 

F:/APPS/Freescale/CW MCU v10.2/MCU/ColdFire_Tools/Command_Line_Tools/mwldmcf|Linker|Error

>Linker command file error at line 37

>File not found: mcf51xx_vectors.asm

F:/APPS/Freescale/CW MCU v10.2/MCU/ColdFire_Tools/Command_Line_Tools/mwldmcf|Linker|Error

>Link failed.

Errors caused tool to abort.

mingw32-make: *** [hc08sprg-v1jm128-sci1.elf] Error 1

This CW10.1 Linker script change   didn't helped

Please let me know if you have any ideea



19,037 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee


currently we are not able to test it in Linux platform but you can compile linux application by using Makefile included in master source code. After that you should be able to run linux version of the master application.

Best regards,


0 项奖励
19,037 次查看
Contributor III

Hi Pavel,

Thanks for reply.

I have tried to compile the master source as well but getting numbers of error.

If you can check it at your end share the steps then that would be great help.



19,037 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Sunil,

as I wrote in previous email we are not able to test it on the Linux platform. We are supporting only win version of bootloader at this time.



0 项奖励
19,037 次查看
Contributor III

Hi Pavel,

Ok, So ,There are no planning to release it for the  linux platform.



19,037 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

The procedure what you described looks correctly. I am not sure if the uart bridge via K20 should be functional in this way. Internal oscillator of the MCG module need to be calibrated by using calibration sequence via uart. This is needed for the correct baudrate setting of uart.

As first step I recommend you connect the uart directly to K64F MCU using UART to RS232 converter and try to modify the bootloader sw.

Best regards,


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19,037 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Developer’s Serial Bootloader - KINETIS support updated


software for Application note AN2295 (Developer’s Serial Bootloader for M68HC08, HCS08, ColdFire, and Kinetis MCUs) is now available for preliminary testing for the community.This beta version includes support for CW10.3, IAR 6.4 and Keil uV4. The main update was focused on support for CodeWarrior 10.x.

The updated software pack is available in the attachement ().

New update of AN2295 rev.12 includes:

KINETIS families supported: Kinetis K, Kinetis M and  Kinetis L (also support for Freedom board)

Any comments, reports, suggestions or wishes are more than welcome.

Updated software pack and will be available on (

Best regards,

Freescale Czech Republic

AN2295 Developers

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19,038 次查看
Contributor III

Hello Pavel,

I have downloaded file.

I am working with FRDM board (KL25Z128 Board).

I have executed above exe file in my already created workspace.

Then through the code warrior 10.3 i import the project perform clean and refresh.

Then i tried to build it and i encountered with following error.

Invalid project path: Include path not found

I dont see any .c or .h files in project file window.

Is there any steps to be followed to run this bootloader?



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19,038 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Amreen,

I tested this version of the bootloader in the CodeWarrior 10.6. Everything work fine.



0 项奖励
19,038 次查看
Contributor II

Hi Pavel, do you import the project into CW 10.6 by:

Import->General->Existing Projects into Workspace

or is another method preferred?

Thanks, Johnny

P.S. Sorry for the trouble, I was getting an error "No rule to make target ... rs232.c". I then did a "clean all" and then the default Kinetis K 100MHz built successfully. Cheers, J.

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19,038 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Johnny,

if you would like to use this bootloader project in the CW10.6 instead of CW10.3, it should be functional without any of changes. Only open and compile it without any of importing.



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19,037 次查看
Contributor II

Thanks Pavel, gotten everything building under CW 10.6 now.

I'm trying to get an2295 running on a FRDM_K64F dev kit. I've cut the trace so the k64 is isolated from the k20(OpenSDA interface) and can flash the chip directly from it's jtag port. I can flash my build to the k64, error free. (e.g.: Added MK64F12.h to my project, created AN2295_FRDM_K64120_cfg.h and all the #defines outlined in the example header files. I have it configured to use UART0) 

I get output on uart0, but it's garbled. Worried I don't have the definitions in place to properly initialize the K64's serial ports (baud rate). Hoping you could point me to the steps needed to properly configure serial ports for a new Kinetis board.

Thanks again! Johnny

19,037 次查看
Contributor I

Hi all,

I am having trouble getting the Bootloader to work on my MCF51JM128 (serial, version B - protected)

I can't get the Universal Bootloader to program my application nor can I get the S19 merge tool to create an S19 file that will run my application after the bootloader does its thing.

I have updated the Project linker files as specified in the data sheet and can get the Universal Bootloader to 'Connect' with the bootloader application. I just can't do anything else!

The ASM code doesn't appear to perform any actions to redirect the vector table or change the NVPROT register.

Please help!

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19,037 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Simon,

have you tried the version A of the bootloader for MCF51JM128  ? I think that should be easy way to try the principle of the implementation and if that is functional you can try to use protected version.



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19,037 次查看
Contributor I

Hi Pavel,

We are having issues getting AN2295 working for our MCF51QE128. We're having the master timeout and the programming process fails during write often at certain specific addresses and with other S19 files, at the very start of writing. I can post more details if you need. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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19,037 次查看
Contributor I

Hi guys, I am approaching a MC9S08PA16 micro. I'd like to know bootloader will be updated for this family or not

If not it seems that this micro doesn't support redirection, any advice on a similar micro to start modifying the bootloader to port it on my PA16?

Thanks guys....

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19,037 次查看
Contributor I


We are having fresh try this bootloader on QT device, but the S19 file is not included. In order to see S19 file, used HC08 assembler tool by P&E to build but no success.

would you please advise what software tool could be used for ROM image build as minimum effort without headache of rewritten those source asm code.



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