No bb files matched BBFILE_PATTERN_mylayer

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No bb files matched BBFILE_PATTERN_mylayer

Contributor V

I am trying to create a new layer using ./yocto-layer create mylayer followed all the steps and creating a simple hello world program

but when I do bitbake core-image-base i am getting this warning No bb files matched BBFILE_PATTERN_mylayer and I m unable to find my executable helloworld.

Can anyone tell me whats wrong

But if I follow the steps mentioned in Task #10 - How to create a custom layer  it works...

the only difference is I am doing bitbake core-image-base  and in that link bitbake dai-image-hello

what is the wrong I am doing

Attaching both the layers

Original Attachment has been moved to: meta-mylayer.tar.gz

Original Attachment has been moved to: meta-daiane.tar.gz

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1 Reply

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Chandra Sekhar,

Are you following the steps on the document below and just changing the name for your layer? #10 - How to create a custom layer

The conf file looks okay. In the case of the document it has followed the layer also includes the recipe for the image in which helloworld is added with IMAGE_INSTALL but that it’s actually the core-image-base.

Maybe you could include a small picture of the whole layer format with the tree command just to understand it better.


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