Cannot Connect to S32K144 (Neither FreeMaster nor S32DS)

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Cannot Connect to S32K144 (Neither FreeMaster nor S32DS)

Contributor I

I have an S32K144 board that is not running the standard demo SW (blinking LED demo). I am not sure what (if anything) is already flashed on the board. I tried flashing and debugging an example (S32K144_Project_Hello) onto the board using S32DS but that fails.


His is my debugger setting



I also tried connecting using the FreeMaster connection wizard. But that failed also (No board detected on any of the specified...):


Searching online I saw that for FreeMaster to connect, it requires the board to already have some SW running on it. But I could not find any .mot project file for me to drop into the board in USB mode.

Any advice on how I can flash my board?

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5 Replies

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


Do not use S32K144_Project_Hello, you should load S32K144_EVB_JumpStart_Firmware.
I have attached the S32K144_EVB_JumpStart_Firmware.srec, you can flash it and then connect with FreeMaster by refer:

Get Started with the S32K144EVB.png

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Contributor I

Current, when I have my board connected to my PC (via usb) there is a solid green light. If I paste S32K144_EVB_JumpStart_Firmware.srec into the board's USB drive I see the LED flash green 8 times followed by a two second pause. This flashing and pausing just repeats.

Do I need to reset the board to Bootloader mode and then copy over S32K144_EVB_JumpStart_Firmware.srec?

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

2 seconds off followed by 8 rapid on/off blinks shows the Application is Error.

LED Status Indicator.png
Please try to restore Application of OpenSDA by refer: What is the power supply voltage range over which the S32K144EVB-Q100 can operate?

Screenshot 2021-01-18 091009.png
Then drop the S32K144_EVB_JumpStart_Firmware.srec in USB drive.(The srec file in last reply may incorrect, I have update it. Please download it again.)

Best Regards,
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- We are following threads for 7 weeks after the last post, later replies are ignored
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Contributor I

Same problem as described in the first question however mine is for the s32k116evb board  and upon copying the .srec file, I get the 2 seconds followed by 8 rapid blinks. The restoration of OpenSDA application isn't a viable solution as there is nothing concrete explained there apart from changing the power source which directly doesn't solve the issue.

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Contributor I

I am experiencing the same issue. I have the correct application version, bootloader version etc. on the board.

If I try to flash the board via the flash drive and drop method you described, it still remains in error mode.

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