Hi,I'm looking for a freemaster example where MCAT is used for the i.mxrt1050 board,are there any examples about it?
I tried to download sdk from nxp site but i could not find an example regarding i.mx...i wanted to know if there is something about it.
Specifically i thought i'd find an example under demo_apps when importing sdk in mcuxpresso.
Thanks in advance for your help and availability
Hello @michelet1 ,
You can find the Freemaster MCAT examples for the RT050 on the SDK version 2.9.1, under the demo_apps folder. Please let me know if you have any other question.
thanks i found example in the sdk example.
It is not clear to me if this example drivers motors using hall sensor or encoder? it seems to me encoder because i have not found specific functions for hall sensor.
Thanks again for your availability.
Hello @michelet1 ,
Great! This examples are with the encoder as you mentioned. Please let me know if I can help you on anything else.
Hello,thanks for your reply.
There is an example available in the SDK for hall sensor?because is not clear for me what should i change in code to make hall sensor?
Thanks for your help and availability
Unfortunately we do not have any example with Hall Sensor. But there is an application note that you can find useful. Please let me know if you have any other question.