iMX RT-1064 CAN3 - minimal module clock
Currently I use a MIMXRT1064-EVK and want to use the following setting:
- FLEXCAN3 clock 40MHz
- all message boxes with CAN FD and payload 64
- => so I think 14 Message Boxes
- Bitrate 500k/2000k
- bitrate settings according CiA1301
Bittiming - all real values, not register values - for 40MHz:
Arb 500k:
- pre = 1
- prop = 47
- seg1 = 16
- seg2 = 16
- sjw = 16
Data 2000k:
- pre = 1
- prop = 6
- seg1 = 8
- seg2 = 5
- sjw = 5
- TDC offset = 14
From the configuration I use currently:
MB 0 - for TX errata
MB 1 / MB 2 - RX
MB 13 - TX
For my first tests it works. But I'm unsure about the requirements of Table 45-18.
Can you please check, if my clock of 40MHz is good or if I have to go to 80MHz?
Additional question:
Is my register value FLEXCAN_MCR_MAXMB(13) right for the maximum on this controller and my requirements?
Thank you
Hi @steffenrose ,
Thanks a lot for your trust.
I am so sorry for the later reply, as a lot of cases overwhelming me, that I just find your case today.
1. About the CAN module clock for 40M or 80Mhz
I don't think this is must, if 40Mhz already works, you can use it, don't need to change 80Mhz.
In fact, just a divider.
2. Is my register value FLEXCAN_MCR_MAXMB(13) right for the maximum on this controller and my requirements?
To the MB, The mailbox system consists of a set of 64 Message Buffers (MB).
If you need the 14MB, I think you can fill the 14 as the MAXMB number.
Wish it helps you!
If you still have questions about it, please kindly let me know.
Best Regards,
Thank you for your answer to question 1.
For question 2 - I don't understand.
We developp a communication stack and our customer set the requirements.
So I want to configure the possible maximum.
I understand table 45-25, that I have a max of 7 MB with 64Byte payload per RAM block.
So with 2 RAM blocks I can have a max of 14MBs.
Can I configure more, if needed?
Thank you.