in my product i need to use parallel display interface with LCDIF_V2 for my LCD(800*480)
"SDK_2_10_1_MIMXRT1170-EVK\boards\evkmimxrt1170\driver_examples\elcdif\rgb"with this examples i add paralled IO init and disable mipi interface. my parallel LCD display right.
but when i use "SDK_2_10_1_MIMXRT1170EVK\boards\evkmimxrt1170\driver_examples\lcdifv2\rgb565"
with this examples do the same config parallel display interface can't work.
in my product i need LCDIF_V2 's some new feature, but almost all 7"LCD(800*480) use parallel interface.
so i need how to config parallel display interface for LCDIF_V2
Thank you very much !!
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Hi @chinachuli
Which RT1176 hardware you test with your LCD(800*480) ?
NXP MIMRT1170-EVK or your customer board?
Just check the hardware connection is OK or not at first, then to the code, do you configure the related LCD pins in the pinmux or not?
I think you also can refer to the RT1060-EVK SDK code, that LCD code is the parallel display interface.
Wish it helps you!
If you still have questions about it, please kindly let me know.
Best Regards,
Hi chinachuli,
We use customized board with NXP i.mxrt1173 MCU. Tried to interface 'eLCDIF Parallel RGB LCD (800 x 480)', but 'LCD interrupt is not triggering'. The same LCD works fine with 1060 EVK board using eLCDIF.
As u mentioned below that by using "SDK_2_10_1_MIMXRT1170-EVK\boards\evkmimxrt1170\driver_examples\elcdif\rgb" and adding 'paralled IO init and disabling mipi interface' your parallel LCD displays right.'?
Can u upload any sample code for reference (eLCDIF parallel RGB LCD using NXP i.mxrt 1176 along with DCD (SDRAM) file). Thanks
Hi @chinachuli
Which RT1176 hardware you test with your LCD(800*480) ?
NXP MIMRT1170-EVK or your customer board?
Just check the hardware connection is OK or not at first, then to the code, do you configure the related LCD pins in the pinmux or not?
I think you also can refer to the RT1060-EVK SDK code, that LCD code is the parallel display interface.
Wish it helps you!
If you still have questions about it, please kindly let me know.
Best Regards,
hi @kerryzhou
The hardware is my customer board designed based on NXP MIMRT1170-EVK
The i.mxrt1176 have two display interface one is ELCDIF(the same as rt1060),the another is LCDIF_V2(new added on rt1176, enhanced some function)
Use ELCDIF on i.nxrt1176 i configure the related pins , and the LCD worked right
But when i use LCDIF_V2 on i.nxrt1176 , i configure the related pins , not worked right, and no signals on the related pins.
In my project i have to use the LCDIF_V2.
I need how to config let LCDIF_V2 support parallel display.
Thanks again for your help
hi @kerryzhou