evkmimxrt1050_demo_apps_hello_world issue
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I've installed MCUXpresso and the SDK for the RT1050 eval board.
I've two issues with the setup:
1. TeraTerm is working when the RT1050 boots from flash (build in demo with accelerometer), but is NOT working when I run the evkmimxrt1050_demo_apps_hello_world example. No data is seen in TT, I see however 'hello world!' in the console of MCUXpresso.
2. The getcher() function is not working, the debugger never returns from it.
So I think I'm not conneted with TT, and something is blocking it in eclipse (don't see a real terminal either as I'm used to have with other suppliers).
Any suggestions?
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Hi All,
Thanks for your help here.
The real problem was the powering the board. I had used USB power only.
As soon as I connected a power supply (5V/3A) to the barrel jack all worked fine.

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Hi ,
When importing the project, there will be an option to called "SDK Debug Console". In there,select UART. And, select the library as "Redlib (nohost-nf)". This configuration should work should enable you to see outputs in Teraterm.
If it doesn't work, please do reply.

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Have You tried the recent SDK (for the EVKB ) ?
Have a great day,
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