adc_etc hardware trigger example has the problem
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I used MCUXpresso IDEv10.3.0 [Build 2200] [2018-12-03] with RT1050 sdk v2.5 to try adc_etc hardware trigger example. I found that the adc_etc interrupt is nor taken place (adc value always 0) and adc_etc software trigger example is OK. Has anyone been the same problem?
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Thanks for you reply. The connection is not wrong. I found that the print info is on the console not on the uart port. The software trigger example is correct and the print info is on the uart port. And I delete the hardware trigger example and import it again, build it. This time, the print info is on the uart port and adc is working correct. Could you advise me the reason, print info on console or uart port?
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refer to the readme:
Board settings
ADC0_IN15 and ADC0_IN0 are ADC inputs. Please sample voltage by J23-1 and J23-2 pins.
pls check if your board settings are correct or not.