Hello everyone,
As I was following the Developer Guide, I tried to generate a bank B binary as stated in the paragraph 5.4, I changed to flash starting address from 0x60300000 to 0x60D00000. The build and the flash via the MSD option were successful (since I don't have a J-Link Segger Probe). The problem is after booting up the board, the boot sequence is stuck just after the bootloader step, I can see a pink led blinking infinitely.
I tried to reflash the board the same way (MSD update) but with the original firmware provided by the SDK, the flash operation is succeeded but launching the application program doesn't work and the board stays in the same state with the pink led blinking infinitely.
Can anyone help with an explanation of the problem or a solution ?
Thank you !
Is it a pink LED or purple LED like the one mentioned in section 5.3 of the developer guide? Based on the information that you provided, it seems that your board is staying in the MSD Update mode. What happens if you reset your board? Did you overwrite the application in Bank A as well or have you been working only on Bank B?