On the MIMXRT1060-EVK I am executing the SDK "lpuart_interrupt_transfer" example. It works fine using LPUART1, but if I try to communicate via the Arduino pins using LPUART3, something goes wrong. It is as if the baud rate(115200) is off. Data is sent both ways but not received correctly. The initialization text is sent but received a rubbish at the connected terminal. If 8 characters are entered in the terminal the program recognizes this, but the characters are not received and echoed correctly.
All I have changed in the example is the below define in lpuart_interrupt_transfer.c:
What else do I need to edit? Does my problem have something to do with LPUART3 being setup for Bluetooth?
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Just learned today that a Max232 TTL/RS232 adapter is needed. It inverts HIGH and LOW and shields the board from too high voltages. ( I hope, that I havn't already damaged the i.MX board
Just learned today that a Max232 TTL/RS232 adapter is needed. It inverts HIGH and LOW and shields the board from too high voltages. ( I hope, that I havn't already damaged the i.MX board