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We've a custom board with RT1176 MCU and AT25SF321B QSPI Flash.
To enable QE bit, we used MCUXpresso secure provisioning tool with boot pins at serial download mode the logs can be seen below:
When we set the boot pins at internal boot, and try to program example blinky project for the RT1170 we get the following output. We use MCU-Link from NXP to program our custom board.
When we disconnect the MCU-Link from the board and to test out what is the output from the MCUXpresso for the not connected condition here is the output from MCUXpresso which is different from above:
When we measure the voltages for the MCU 1V8 and 3V3, all seems okay as for the flash.
Our schematic can be seen below for the mentioned parts:
What else should we check? What are we missing to connect the board with MCU-Link and program?
Thank you in advance!
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Problem was the JTAG pins was not configured as available on the schematic thats why, we were not able to connect via mcu-link.
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Problem was the JTAG pins was not configured as available on the schematic thats why, we were not able to connect via mcu-link.
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I also would like to add We have 2.2V on the RESET, we have one additional pull-up 100k as can be seen on the schematic. Is 2.2V Reset Okay?
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