I setup RT1060 EVK and wi-fi module EVK-JODY-W2 follow the UM11441.
But I can't find the marco in app_config.h as Table 22 in UM11441.
( My example code is "evkmimxrt1060_aws_shadow_wifi_nxp" )
app_config.h as below:
Table22 in UM11441 as below:
So could you provide JODY-W2 example code or marco to me, thanks.
已解决! 转到解答。
Hi Daniel,
I found the issue on EVK-JODY-W2 and my shareing as below:
1. EVK-JODY-W2 need 1A current when FW download so I connected a USB adapter.
2. EVK-JODY-W2 power on first and then RT1060 EVK.
Sofar I can exceuting the AWS demo and no any porblems.
Thanks for your help.
Hi @scarletlee ,
My name is Daniel and I will be happy to help you.
Which SDK version are you using?
I imported the AWS example from the 2.12.1 SDK and I found the EVK-JODY-W2 macro as shown in the image below.
Could you please try it with the latest RT1060 SDK? You can find it here.
I hope this helps.
Best regards, Daniel.
Hi Daniel,
Update my status : I re-installed the SDK and then I found the EVK-JODY-W2 marco in AWS shadow wifi example.
But I can't connect to the wi-fi ap my modify steps as below:
1. Modify wi-fi board to EVK-JODY-W2 in app_config.h
2. Input Endpoint, Thing name, SSID and PWD.
3. Copy my aws_clientcredential_keys.h to include folder
By the way, I confirmed my aws_clientcredential_keys.h, AWS Endpoint and Thing name are work on the aws_shadow_enet exmaple.
4. The terminal show msg : sd_wifi_init failed, detail as below :
Which EVK version do you have? Is it MIMXRT1060-EVK or MIMXRT1060-EVKB?
Could you please try another WiFi example (i.e. wifi_cli) to see if the initialization problem still occurs?
Best regards, Daniel.
Which RT EVK version do you have? I'd like to know this because in some of your images you are showing me the SDK for both versions, MIMXRT1060-EVK and MIMXRT1060-EVKB. And according to UM11441, Table 2, it seems that EVK-JODY-W2 is only supported in RT1060-EVK.
Please take a look to the readme (readme_modules.txt) file in the example and verify the jumper settings in the module. Also, could you please take a look to the EVK-JODY-W2 User Guide? There is a link in the same file to download it.
I hope this helps.
Best regards, Daniel.
Hi Daniel,
I found the issue on EVK-JODY-W2 and my shareing as below:
1. EVK-JODY-W2 need 1A current when FW download so I connected a USB adapter.
2. EVK-JODY-W2 power on first and then RT1060 EVK.
Sofar I can exceuting the AWS demo and no any porblems.
Thanks for your help.