Not able to mass erase/flash after running AN12255SW Flash Remap

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Not able to mass erase/flash after running AN12255SW Flash Remap

Contributor II

After running the example AN12255SW "Flash Remap Test" in MCUXpresso, I'm not able to reflash my RT106x. Also I'm not able to do a mass erase in order to reprogram again. I'm using an MCU-Link (LinkServer) debugger with MCUXpresso. Any attempt to program/mass erase shows that 0 SWD devices are connected, then I receive the following serial output when performing a mass erase:

Executing flash operation 'Erase' (Erase flash) - Fri Jan 10 08:57:39 CST 2025
Checking MCU info...
Scanning for targets...
Executing flash action...
MCUXpresso IDE RedlinkMulti Driver v11.10 (Jul 2 2024 19:33:51 - crt_emu_cm_redlink.exe build 741)
( 0) Reading remote configuration
Wc(03). No cache support.
Found chip XML file in C:/Users/.../workspace/flash_remap_test/Debug\MIMXRT1062xxxxA.xml
( 5) Remote configuration complete
Reconnected to existing LinkServer process.
Connecting to probe 1 core 0 (using server started externally) reports:
'Ee(42). Could not connect to core.'
Reconnected to existing LinkServer process.
Server OK but no connection to probe 1 core 0 (after 3 attempts) - Ee(42). Could not connect to core.
============= SCRIPT: RT1060_connect.scp =============
RT1060 Connect Script
DpID = 0BD11477
Error: Wire Ack Fault - target connected?
Error: Wire Ack Fault - target connected?
Disabling MPU
Error: Wire Ack Fault - target connected?
Error: Wire Ack Fault - target connected?
Configure FlexRAM for 768KB OC RAM, 128KB I-TCM, 128KB D-TCM
Error: Wire Ack Fault - target connected?
Error: Wire Ack Fault - target connected?
Error: Wire Ack Fault - target connected?
============= END SCRIPT =============================
Failed on connect: Ee(42). Could not connect to core.
No connection to chip's debug port
(100) Target Operation Failed
Unable to perform operation!
Command failed with exit code 1

I've encountered problems reflashing before, but usually this is solved by erasing the chip and then programming again.. is there a way to recover from this and test AN12255SW again?


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @schafbo 

Have you tried an erase when the MCU is in serial  downloader mode? If SWD keeps failing, please try to do a recover using MCUXpresso Secure Provisionining Tool, this tool sends erase commands over UART/USB.

Please let me know your results. 



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