Multiple flex uart configuration
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i am trying to bring up two flex uart interface in my project. I could configure one flex uart very easily but when it came to bringing up second flex uart i am not able to. Can anyone help me out with this. i am using flexio2 for both the uarts as my board only has one usable base. i cant use flexio1. i will attach screenshot of my configuration parameter along with this post.

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Thank you for your interest in the NXP MIMXRT product, I would like to provide service for you.
I'm sorry I didn't see which RT series chip you used, so I take the RT1170 chip as a demo.
Please import "evkbmimxrt1170_flexio_uart_polling_transfer_cm7".
This demo uses FlexIO2 for UART, You can refer to this routine to initialize the UART settings.
Wish it helps you.
If you still have question about it, please kindly let me know.
Best Regards
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The mcu i am using is i.MXRT1189. And my question is can we bring up one more flex uart using same instance. I have already bought up one flex uart with instance flexio2 and i am using it with a gsm module. i have setup pin 2 and 3 as rx, tx pins for this. I need one more flexuart for other purpose but with same instance and 18,19 as rx and tx pins respectively. Can i do this?
i have already tried this but i am having issue. i have configured uart in interrupt mode for both uart.

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Thank you for your updated information.
Yes, you can bring up one more flex UART using same FLEXIO instance.
I have a few suggestions for you:
1:You need config PIN and clock setting, maybe you can use MCUXPresso IDE PIN config tool.
2: I suggest modify code for FlexIO UART2, next code is just demo code
please try it.
Wish it helps you.
If you still have question about it, please kindly let me know.
Best Regards