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Dear support,
I am learning MCUxpresso SDK v2.12 with RT1170-EVK and ARMGCC toolchain. My host environment is Ubuntu 16 and my debug probe is the on-board JLink probe wiith JLink tools v7.66a.
It seems that I can successfully build the demo app "${SDK_D}/boards/evkmimxrt1170/demo_apps/led_blinky/cm7/armgcc/" using cmake with CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug and run the demo on my rt1170-evk. I can see the led blinking and I can use gdb to debug the output elf correctly.
However, when I swtched the build type to "sdram_debug", I can generate elf output successfully but the app can't enter my main() function in gdb session, nor can I see LED blinking.
I am wondering if the example work when SDRAM is used?
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Thanks for your reply.
I think you miss step 4.
Have a great day,
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I was wondering if you can list the steps you testing via screenshots, as I didn't encounter the phenomenon you mentioned.
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Here are the steps I used:
$ cd ~/tmp/mcu/led
$ ARMGCC_DIR=/opt/armgcc/ cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/opt/rt1170/tools/cmake_toolchain_files/armgcc.cmake /opt/rt1170/boards/evkmimxrt1170/demo_apps/hello_rtt/cm7/armgcc/ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=sdram_debug
-- TOOLCHAIN_DIR: /opt/armgcc/
-- BUILD_TYPE: sdram_debug
-- TOOLCHAIN_DIR: /opt/armgcc/
-- BUILD_TYPE: sdram_debug
-- The ASM compiler identification is GNU
-- Found assembler: /opt/armgcc//bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/u/tmp/mcu/led
$ make
[100%] Built target iled_blinky_cm7.elf
$ gdb sdram_debug/iled_blinky_cm7.elf
(gdb) target remote pc:2331
(gdb) load
Loading section .interrupts, size 0x400 lma 0x0
Loading section .text, size 0x62b8 lma 0x400
Loading section .ARM, size 0x8 lma 0x66b8
Loading section .init_array, size 0x4 lma 0x66c0
Loading section .fini_array, size 0x4 lma 0x66c4
Loading section .data, size 0x64 lma 0x66c8
Start address 0x000004bc, load size 26412
Transfer rate: 117 KB/sec, 3773 bytes/write.
(gdb) break main
(gdb) c
My JLinkGDBServer runs at pc:2331 thus my gdb client connects to it to load the app to target and then run. but my break point can't be teached.
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Thanks for your reply.
I think you miss step 4.
Have a great day,
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Thanks for pointing it out.
I tried again with jlinkscriptfile= option but failed to connect to target. Please see attached log file for more details.
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I retried JLinkGDBServer in Wiindows, it can connect to target with the jlink script file successfuly and I can load sdram_debug type led_blinky to my target and enter breakpoint in main() function.
However, I found the app stucked in function "void SysTick_DelayTicks(uint32_t n)"....
I noticed the reason is that the variable g_systickCounter never reduces... guess the copy in cache was not written through to SDRAM...
Not sure if you have similar issue with LED blinky demo?
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Hi @yf2 ,
Thanks for your reply.
No, I didn't encounter the similar issue, on window OS, the demo works well in debugging.
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Thank you Kerry.
@jeremyzhou I just checked the cm7/armgcc/flags.cmake file and noticed that for SDRAM build type, a macro called "USE_SDRAM" is defined but it is not used in dcd.c. Thus I guess the output .elf doesn't contain DCD data.
I am looking forward to your investigation results.
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Hi @yf2 ,
Thanks so much for your new question post!
After internal checking, my colleague @jeremyzhou has the related experience, so, he will help you to check it.
Thanks for your cooperation!
Best Regards,