IMXRT1166 RTC does not keep its datetime after power cycle
I have imxrt1166 eval board and trying to understand RTC. Although SNVS portion is powered by a seperate LDO regulator, It resets its counter whenever I press reset button. During reset, VDD_SNVS_IN input stays at 3.3V. It works as expected. I observed with oscilloscope.
The counter starts running from the date 2023.12.31 and time 23.58.00 after every reset/power cycle. These values are my initial config values.
I am studying "evkmimxrt1160_snvs_hp_rtc_cm7" example in SDK. How can I fix it and keeps retaining its date/time values in case unexpected crash happens?
P.S : I searched if anyone has encountered similar problem. I saw that one must say to save LPGPR register while GPR_Z_DIS bit enabled. I did it as the following;
status_t SNVS_HP_RTC_SetDatetime(SNVS_Type *base, const snvs_hp_rtc_datetime_t *datetime)
base->LPGPR[0] = (uint32_t)(1U);
Before the entry into the main loop, I added below lines;
rtcDate.year = 2023;
rtcDate.month = 12; = 31;
rtcDate.hour = 23;
rtcDate.minute = 58;
rtcDate.second = 0;
if ( SNVS->LPGPR[0] != 1U)
SNVS_HP_RTC_Init(SNVS, &snvsRtcConfig);
SNVS_HP_RTC_SetDatetime(SNVS, &rtcDate);
while (true)
I can now set the LPGPR register value. But this time when I reset the board, it counts starting from 1970-01-01 00:00:00
Do I have to save current date and time infos to LPGPR registers every time? If yes, when an unpected crash occurs, it will not show the exact time after reset. I need the RTC working similar to in STM32 series.
Hello, my name is Pavel, and I will be supporting your case, let me get into your case and when I have more information, I will contact you.
Best regards,
@Pavel_Hernandez, I have also one custom board with imxrt1170. The difference between my custom board with imxrt1170 and imxrt1160 eval board is that imxrt1160-EVK has no capacitors on Y5(RTC 32.768KHz crystal) capacitors on both legs. However in my imxrt1170 custom board, I have RTC 32.768KHz with both capacitors populated. When I reset the board, external RTC crytsal keeps running, but main crystal 24MHz takes reset as expected in my board.
I think the problem is that SDK example uses main external crystal 24MHz for SNVS peripheral. I quick searched but not find. How can I enable OSC32.768Khz RTC crystal and mux SNVS example in SDK to use this RTC clock instead of 24MHz one?
Actually fsl_snvs_hp.c NXP driver file does not include any definition with clock options!? See the below.Not found "SNVS_HP_Clocks" in index. link solved my problem. LP one in SDK examples must be followed for internal RTC with battery backup aided. Both eval and my custom boards are keeping time well now.