Hardware setup:
An external JLink-debugger is connected to J1 connector on IMXRT1170 EVK board. Board has not been modified since purchase. The J-Link debugger is connected to PC using USB. Board is powered using 5V wall power at J43.
Instructions to reproduce the problem:
Furher information:
Lowering SWD speed had no effect. VTref at pin 1 was 3.3 Volts as expected.
Pin 7 (SWDIO/JTAG_TMS) was measured to be at 0 Volts. This was unexpected, as board schematics shows a pull-up to 3.3 Volts. Removing the JTAG cable had no effect on voltage level for pin 7.
解決済! 解決策の投稿を見る。
MIMXRT1170-EVK can work with the external JLINK debugger, I have tested it on my side previously.
Please follow me to test it again:
1. Board is powered using 5V wall power at J43, J38 connect 1-2.
2. remove J5,J6,J7,J8, it will disconnect the on board debugger.
3. Connect your Segger JLINK debugger to the J1
4. Use the JLINK commander connect the board:
Wish it helps you!
Best Regards,
MIMXRT1170-EVK can work with the external JLINK debugger, I have tested it on my side previously.
Please follow me to test it again:
1. Board is powered using 5V wall power at J43, J38 connect 1-2.
2. remove J5,J6,J7,J8, it will disconnect the on board debugger.
3. Connect your Segger JLINK debugger to the J1
4. Use the JLINK commander connect the board:
Wish it helps you!
Best Regards,