AN12255SW - Reading flash after rewrite does not show remap

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AN12255SW - Reading flash after rewrite does not show remap

Contributor III

I'm having an issue with the flash_remap_test program from AN12255SW. Once the flash is remapped by writing to GPR30,31,32, a read to the expected address doesn't show that the remap is active. Is there anything I'm missing here?

Weirdly enough, programming after the remap does seem to indicate that it took place:

Writing 2464096 bytes to address 0x60000000 in Flash
60014000 done 7% (81920 out of 1048576)
6001C000 done 10% (114688 out of 1048576)
ProgramPage (0x6001C000, 0x20009788, 0x4000) status 0x1 - driver reported driver error - EXTSPIJ driver rc -123 (0xFFFFFF85)
60018000 done 14% (147456 out of 1048576)
ProgramPage (0x6001C000, 0x20009788, 0x4000) status 0x1 - driver reported driver error - EXTSPIJ driver rc -123 (0xFFFFFF85)


Debug messages

Erasing Serial NOR on address 0x1e000...
Erasing Serial NOR on address 0x2e000...
Erase data - successfully.
Wrote to address 0x6001e000
Wrote to address 0x6002e000

Read 16 bytes from flash address 0x6001e000 ...

Read 16 bytes from flash address 0x6002e000 ...
Set Flash remapping start address is 0x6001e000
Set Flash remapping end address is 0x6002e000
Set Flash remapping offset is 0x10000
after enable flash remapping, re-read address 0x6001e000

Read 16 bytes from flash address 0x6001e000 ...

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