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The "IMXRT1060 Processor Reference Manual" states this in "67.3.1 Operations":
If TRIGa_CTRL[SYNC_MODE] is set, the trigger process will control TRIGa and
TRIG(a+4) synchronously. In this mode, the initial delay of TRIGa and TRIG(a+4) is
controlled by the settings of TRIGa, while other settings are independent.
Since a is in the range of 1....8 and in my case I use always SYNC_MODE, I have only 4 different triggers. Is this correct?
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Hi @kurt_staubli,
I believe my colleague's answer to your first question was in more general terms. The ADC_ETC indeed has 8 external triggers and it indeed supports SyncMode. However, when in sync mode, the operation follows the description mentioned in the RM:
"If TRIGa_CTRL[SYNC_MODE] is set, the trigger process will control TRIGa and
TRIG(a+4) synchronously."
This means that there is effectively 4 triggers, since the 8 triggers are being controlled in pairs.

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Hi @kurt_staubli,
Yes, that is correct. Let me know if you have further inquiries about this topic.

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I think now that I have two different answer from NXP for one question:
Q: Is it possible to configure ADC_ETC in a way that it receives 6 triggers and invokes with each trigger two synchronous ADC conversions?
A: Regarding your second question, the ADC_ETC has 8 external triggers input from XBAR. Also supports SyncMode. In this mode, ADC1 and ADC2 are controlled by the same trigger source of ADC_ETC.
Q: The "IMXRT1060 Processor Reference Manual" states this in "67.3.1 Operations":
If TRIGa_CTRL[SYNC_MODE] is set, the trigger process will control TRIGa and
TRIG(a+4) synchronously. In this mode, the initial delay of TRIGa and TRIG(a+4) is
controlled by the settings of TRIGa, while other settings are independent.
Since a is in the range of 1....8 and in my case I use always SYNC_MODE, I have only 4 different triggers. Is this correct?
A: Yes, that is correct. Let me know if you have further inquiries about this topic.

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Hi @kurt_staubli,
I believe my colleague's answer to your first question was in more general terms. The ADC_ETC indeed has 8 external triggers and it indeed supports SyncMode. However, when in sync mode, the operation follows the description mentioned in the RM:
"If TRIGa_CTRL[SYNC_MODE] is set, the trigger process will control TRIGa and
TRIG(a+4) synchronously."
This means that there is effectively 4 triggers, since the 8 triggers are being controlled in pairs.

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Hi Edwin
Thank you for your answer.
In this case my earlier question here was answered not quite correct or maybe misleading.

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Hi Edwin
Thank you for your answer.
In this case my earlier question here was answered not quite correct or maybe misleading.

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Hi Edwin
Thank you for your answer.
In this case my earlier question here was answered not quite correct or maybe misleading.