iMx8DXL SCU reset reason

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iMx8DXL SCU reset reason

Contributor II

Hello NXP team,

I am working in a project with the uC. iMX8DXL and during the execution of the Software there is a reset caused by the SCU. This question is to ask for your support to know what inside the SCFW code determines if there should be a request to reset from the SCU.

The SCFW version we use is L5.4.70_2.3.11

The SCU reset is requested from the file board.c inside SCFW.


void board_fault(sc_bool_t restarted, sc_bfault_t reason,
    sc_rm_pt_t pt)
    /* Fault just occurred, need to reset */
    (void) board_reset(SC_PM_RESET_TYPE_BOARD,
                      SC_PM_RESET_REASON_SCFW_FAULT, pt);



The triggering events for a board_fault() function call are as follows:


void board_cpu_reset(sc_rsrc_t resource, board_cpu_rst_ev_t reset_event,
    sc_rm_pt_t pt)
   /* Treat lockups or parity/ECC reset events as board faults */
   if ((reset_event == BOARD_CPU_RESET_LOCKUP) ||
       (reset_event == BOARD_CPU_RESET_MEM_ERR))
        board_fault(SC_FALSE, BOARD_BFAULT_CPU, pt);
void board_sec_fault(uint8_t abort_module, uint8_t abort_line,
    sc_sfault_t reason)
     if (reason != BOARD_SFAULT_V2X_SER_ERR)
        board_fault(SC_FALSE, BOARD_BFAULT_SEC_FAIL, SECO_PT);         



Is our deduction correct, that the reset was caused by one or more of the following occurrences:

  1. CPU reset lockup.
  2. Parity/ECC memory error.
  3. SECO error
    Which are the considerations inside the SCFW to request a reset in each case?
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2 Replies

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello @Conti_carlos_mtz 

From code logic, it's correct. For more information about reset, please refer the sc_fw_port.pdf

0 Kudos

Contributor II

Thank you Qmiller. 

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