iMX8MINI tmu suddenly reaches critical point

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Hi Folks!
I have an issue with our custom board using imx8mini EVK as the reference design. The BSP we are using is L4.19.35
During thermal aging test, we check the SOC's temperature every 5 seconds base on the value of /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp. The system seems to work as normal condition, the problem occured when the temperature reaches critical point. At the same time, the value from /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp reports 90℃ but the system gets shutdown and reports 98℃.
Does anyone have the same problem? Does this consider a normal behavior?
Update: This is a part of log
Fri Dec 4 20:49:23 UTC 2020
[28154.898316] thermal thermal_zone0: critical temperature reached (98 C), shutting down
Message from syslogd@imx8mmrhino at Fri Dec 4 20:49:23 2020 ...
imx8mmrhino kernel: [28154.898316] thermal thermal_zone0: critical temperature reached (98 C), shutting down
Stopping Session c2 of user root.
Unmounting /run/media/mmcblk1p1...
[ OK ] Stopped target Multi-User System.
[ OK ] Stopped target Login Prompts.
Thanks and best regards,

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Hi Khai
probably chip is heating very fast, one can recheck critical point in dts:
Best regards
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Hello, igor
I can't open this URL, can you send it to me by other means? I am also having a problem with the temperature of this chip. Thank you for your reply!
Best regards