Trying to flash iMX6 sabre board by using MfgTool2(with fresh SD card), but it is not working, Am refering "Manufacturing Tool V2 Quick Start Guide",IMX6SABREINFOQSG.pdf document. MfgTool2 is stop after "ModuleID[2] LevelID[10]: ExecuteCommand--Push[WndIndex:0], Body is $ mknod block,mmcblk0,/dev/mmcblk0,block ModuleID[2] LevelID[1]: PortMgrDlg(0)--MSCDevice--Command Push(no file) excute failed" Any help is appreciable. Thanks in advanced.
1) MfgTool version : Mfgtools-Rel-13.01.00_ER_MX6Q_UPDATER.
2) Attached is mfgtool2 cfg,UIcfg & mfgtool log.
Original Attachment has been moved to: MfgTool.log.zip
Original Attachment has been moved to: UICfg.ini.zip
Original Attachment has been moved to: cfg.ini.zip
Hi sudhir
please use latest MFG Tool,
one can try with default images
also verify that SD inserted in SD3 slot. One can try with
another SD card (also check SD write protection slider).
Best regards
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Thanks for reply.
As per document (SABRE for Automotive Infotainment Based on th|Freescale
IMX6SABREINFOQSG.pdf ), on page no 4 & 5, there are only two sd card slot. Not seen
3rd SD slot. Could you provide more details on that.
DIP Switch Configurations set as per Table 3: Boot Configuration DIP Switches(page 10) &
Table 4: Boot Mode DIP Switches (page 11).
Also am tried with IMX_6DQ_MFG_TOOL , but no luck :smileysad:.
Am checking with serial terminal with the given serial port settings ( also tried with
different combination)Just got junk character. Did I missed any setting?
"SD3 slot" was meant not number of SD connectors but
SD interface number. For numbering one can look
at IMX6SDLRM i.MX 6Solo/6DualLite Applications Processor Reference Manual
Please confirm, what board and processor are you using:
Also I attached presentation which gives general picture of i.MX6
development, please read starting from p.30.
Best regards