Dear Expert:
i.mx6ull has not hardware video acceleration,so we only can use software to do video codec?
we want to use the camera system of VGA resolution,30fps.
Could help provide the benchmark test data and the software test example under linux?
Furthermore, the benchmark test data and the software test example under linux about the video output is needed too.
thanks for your great support.
for CSI capturing, you can use the unit test to test it, which has software sample code, if you use the old yocto version, pls refer to the link as below:
i.MX6ULEVK CSI Camera on L3.14.52-1.1.0_ga BSP
for video outputing, which depends on what image do you use, like x11 or frambuffer,and what resolution you use, if you use framebuffer, the data is :