i.MX6 SDK build apps

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i.MX6 SDK build apps

2,598 次查看
Contributor III

Hello all,

I am trying to get the test applications from the SDK 1.1 running on my smart device saber board rev b (labled on the board).

But i st stuck running the test applications like filesystem on my board.

I also build the unit test application which runs well, known issue with the ethernet test which isn't working. But as I build a application like the filesystem app I expect that the print_version() function will display some information which can be seen on the serial line (using putty which works fore the unit test fine)

Is my expect correct? I always picked the bin files from the output/mx6dq/appName/smart_device_rev_b.



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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi peterw

SDK apps will not run in linux, since

they have different run environment (stack organization, memory -

in linux it is virtual).

Best regards



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1,712 次查看
Contributor III

Hi chip

if I understand you correct, I can build the SDK apps with a Linux OS but I cant test them on a eval board?

How can I test those apps? I am just a bit confused ;-)



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1,712 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi peterw

please read README.pdf

included in SDK - it describes very well how

to run tests.



Best regards


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1,712 次查看
Contributor III

Hi chip

the unit test application is running well on the target, but because of the issue in the ethernet test I would like to run only the ping app from the SDK.

But it seems that this app will not start. For an test I added the print_version function (which is used also in app filesystem and in the unit test) after the platform_init function.

I had expect that I can see some information in the terminal as same as in the unit test.

Or can I only run the unit test that way? But how can I run only one app like the ping of filesystem?

Best regards


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1,712 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi peterw

SDK tests can not be run from linux.

How to run (from attached README.pdf  p.8) :

5.3 Download with a JTAG probe

5.4 Download with the manufacturing tool

5.5 Using SD boot

Alternatively you can create linux application using codes from

SDK (port it manually). Attached Hellow World app note shows how to

do that.

Best regards


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1,712 次查看
Contributor III

Hi chip

I thought that the apps are also standalone applications which I can run on the target.

I build the apps for my target on a virtual linux OS than I copy them onto my host windows maschine where I use the cfimager to load them onto the SD-card.

This works fine with the unit test. Smart Device starts up and I can choose the different tests from the terminal.

But as I load e.g. the filessystem app or even the ping app and I turn on the smart device with this SD-card, I see nothing on my terminal. I tought that thoses apps are also able to run on the smart device and I expect from the filesystem app at least that the platform information are displayed in the terminal.

Best regards


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NXP Employee

SDK is just bare metal test, nothing common with linux

Best regards


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Contributor III

I know so I tryed to test the bare metal apps from the SDK (therefor I use the linux OS to build them) whithout a linux on the target. Just some smal test. (The backround is to test the ethernet of the smart device bare metal without any (RT)OS )

But if I load the bin file of the filesystem test onto an SD-card nothing happens on the smart device.

Best regards


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NXP Employee

Seems SDK ethernet test is not working, please check below


Best regards


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1,712 次查看
Contributor III

I know that. Also read this post. getting the same error on my smart device.

Therefore I just want to test the other apps from the SDK, as ping or the filesystem. But those apps will not start on my target.

Best regards


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1,712 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

You can test procedure on Freescale reference board SDB/SDP/AI,

also one can run SDK with jtag too.

Best regards


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1,712 次查看
Contributor III

I try to test the ping or filesystem app with the SDB reverence board. Using a SD-card. Load the ping.bin file with cfimager but nothing happend on the SDB board.

Best regards


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1,712 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

I think you should better describe what you are doing.

BTW, what do you mean when saying "filesystem app" ?

Best regards


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1,712 次查看
Contributor III

I try to explain it again.

I downloaded the SDK 1.1 on a linux vm. Then I compiled the applications for my target. As descriebed in the readme.pdf. Than I copied the SDK_unit_test_ALL.bin onto my windows system and load this file with the cfimager onto the SD-card.

The unit test runs on the smart device and I can run different tests chosen by the terminal.

Now I want to try the filesystem application which is also stored in the apps map of the SDK. I did the same with the filesystem.bin file and load it onto the SD-card.

Because of the function platform_info() I expect that this will print the platform information as same as by the unit test application. But if I start the smart device from the SD-card with only the filesystem on it I don't see anything via the terminal.

I hope it is clear what I am try to do, otherwise just ask again ;-)

Best regards


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1,712 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Sorry, not clear. :smileyhappy:

Please describe in more detailed way:

1. "Now I want to try the filesystem application which is also stored in the apps map of the SDK".

- what is "apps map of the SDK" ? is this SDK directory or what ?

- what is "filesystem application" - please say accurate file name after SDK build

2. Steps which are you doing - are they described somewhere in SDK documentation? If yes -

where: please point to accurate document name and page.

Best regards


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1,712 次查看
Contributor III

I will try it :smileyhappy:.

The filesystem is located in iMX_Platform_SDK in the apps directory.

The filesystem app seems to be just a short test. Short description (iMX_Platform_SDK/apps/filesystem/readme.txt)

This applications is compiled correctly and the .bin file is located in output/mx6dq/filesystem/smart_device_rev_b.

Now I program the binary image on a SD card, as described in the README.pdf (i.MX 6 Series Platform SDK Version 1.1) on page 8 and 9 chapter 5.5 Using SD boot.

After those steps I start my board with the SD card but nothing happens.

Thanks for your help :smileywink:

Best regards


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1,712 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Does this SD card boot on i.MX6 reference board (Sabre SDB/SDP) ?

Best regards


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1,712 次查看
Contributor III

The SD card boots with the unit test application which is also located in the apps folder.

But with the filesystem application I don't get any feedback from the Saber board which is the reference SDB.

Best regards


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