Hi Everybody,
I want to use Android in my Eval kit. But I find only one Android to my kit. ALLGO. How can I make my own Android version, and how can I upload it to my EK?
Hi Exy,
There is no official port of the Android to the MX233. All that I've found so far are commercial.
I'm about to do an Android port for the MX233. Being a newbie myself even to Linux this is quite a daunting task for me.
I found this site though that might help... This is in Chinese so you'll have to find a translator for you.
I'd be more than willing to "join forces" with you and any one else out there that might be interested for the challenge. Seems we really need a port to Android for much cheaper solutions and have it open to the public.
Hoping this thread becomes a real How To.