I am booting an IMX6 SABRE SD board from QSPI2. Currently, my kernel and rootfs are on SD card and only U-boot in QSPI2.
I want the boot rom to jump to QSPI and copy my custom image from there to RAM. To do this, I understand that I need to make use of IVT and DCD.
But where are these configurations kept?
I must be having it in the IMX6 SDK but couldn't recognize it.
Are there any examples of DCD and IVT for booting from QSPI available?
Please share.
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Hi Ozu,
You can find all the IVT and DCD related information(header, boot_data structure,..) in the below Freescale's u-boot git repository.
uboot-imx.git - Freescale i.MX u-boot Tree
Best Regards,
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Hi ozu
it is located in
Best regards
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sorry I cant find the mentioned file in U-boot source code.
All I have is compiled .imx variations of u-boot for booting from different devices.
u-boot source from GitHub does not contain a folder for imx6q or imxsx!

please try BSPs from i.MX6 official product page
SABRE Board Reference Design|Freescale
Operating System Software-Board Support Packages (28)

Hi Ozu,
You can find all the IVT and DCD related information(header, boot_data structure,..) in the below Freescale's u-boot git repository.
uboot-imx.git - Freescale i.MX u-boot Tree
Best Regards,
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