Using yocto to create xfce image?

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Using yocto to create xfce image?

Contributor II

I using yocto to create image using meta-xfce, but fetcher came in the followings:

WARNING: Checksum failure encountered with download of - will attempt other sources if available

WARNING: Renaming /home/czyhit/fsl-community-bsp/downloads/xfce4-dev-tools-4.10.0.tar.bz2 to /home/czyhit/fsl-community-bsp/downloads/xfce4-dev-tools-4.10.0.tar.bz2_bad-checksum_bc037c417af5d1071673a0a61af1d642

ERROR: Fetcher failure for URL: ''. Checksum mismatch!

File: '/home/czyhit/fsl-community-bsp/downloads/xfce4-dev-tools-4.10.0.tar.bz2' has md5 checksum bc037c417af5d1071673a0a61af1d642 when 372b74f432e7e02d946c2ea9d3de2805 was expected

File: '/home/czyhit/fsl-community-bsp/downloads/xfce4-dev-tools-4.10.0.tar.bz2' has sha256 checksum 34c43c9afaaee86a5b467739e4e91425ebee67281ebe0457309efa212315a1f3 when f79649bbfbbf16881494ee9f67035063765aec12e23ab9bac31de2c8a4f32bf8 was expected

If this change is expected (e.g. you have upgraded to a new version without updating the checksums) then you can use these lines within the recipe:

SRC_URI[md5sum] = "bc037c417af5d1071673a0a61af1d642"

SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "34c43c9afaaee86a5b467739e4e91425ebee67281ebe0457309efa212315a1f3"

Otherwise you should retry the download and/or check with upstream to determine if the file has become corrupted or otherwise unexpectedly modified.

ERROR: Function failed: Fetcher failure for URL: ''. Unable to fetch URL from any source.

ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /home/czyhit/fsl-community-bsp/build/tmp/work/i686-linux/xfce4-dev-tools-native/4.10.0-r0/temp/log.do_fetch.23800

ERROR: Task 4320 (virtual:native:/home/czyhit/fsl-community-bsp/sources/meta-openembedded/meta-xfce/recipes-xfce/xfce4-dev-tools/, do_fetch) failed with exit code '1'

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1 Reply

Contributor I

hi,zhiyan :

    would you tell me how to solve this problem at the end?

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